Sunday, May 22, 2022

Divine First Aid

Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.” (Isa 41:10 AV)

WHAT A VERSE!  There is little one needs to say.  When we are at the end of our rope, there God is.  When we are taxed to our limit, the LORD is there to hold us up.  When we are ready to fall flat on our faces and are quickly heading that way, our great God sustains us.  When we do not think we can go another step, the LORD seems to be that strength that gets us through another day.  Note hear the two afflictions which the saint suffers.  They are emotional afflictions.  They are not physical ones.  They are related to spiritual afflictions.  Primarily, though, they are emotional.  Fear and dismay are two very real and powerful enemies of the believer.  Fear we understand.  Dismay is the emotion that says there is no hope.  It is the emotion that centers on our circumstances and can see no other truth.  When we are dismayed, we are at the end of ourselves and we cannot see the forest through the trees.  We cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel.  All we can see is what is immediately in front of us and we feel like a hopeless victims.  To be dismayed is to give up all hope of ever being released from such a tragedy.  To be in such a state is the way of life.  We will be afraid.  We will lose hope.  From time to time, this is our affliction.  We are this way because we have forgotten the answer.  God is still our God.  He has not ceased to be.  He is still in control and He is all-sufficient for our needs.  Let us look closely at the promise.  There are three promises here.  The LORD will strengthen, help, and uphold.  Although they are closely related, there are listed in logical order.  One build on the next.  This is what our Father has promised in times of deep distress.

One of the first aid skills we were taught in Boy Scouts was how to care for a broken bone.  Other first aid skills were also taught.  How to stop bleeding, treat for shock, are drain a snake bite was all wilderness survival skills we had to learn.  When it came to setting a broken bone, we were taught how to make a brace to stabilize the bone, wrap it around the appliance used for stabilizing, and create a plan to get the injured out of the woods.  There were several drills we practiced.  Orienting was one of them.  If we were lost, we had to know how to make signal fires, plot a course out, and read a compass to get there.  There were several skills all working together to get the injured out of a jam.  One of those drills was just what I described.  One of the scouts played the injured.  There is a step-by-step method of getting to safety.  The first is to remain calm.  We encouraged the injured that all hope is not lost.  We talked about a plan.  When injured, the first thing we did was to treat for shock.  While the patient is lying still and calming down, we searched for that which we need to make a brace and sling.  Then we treated the broken bone.  All the while talking to the patient, we devised a plan to get that patient to safety.  We used maps and a compass.  If he suffered a broken leg, we would devise a crutch.  If it was more serious, we would build a stretcher.  Then we would work our way out.  We first strengthened the patient.  We encouraged him that all is not lost and that eventually, fortune would turn to the good.  We then helped him by binding his wound so that further injury would not happen.  Then we upheld him by a crutch or stretcher.  Getting him to safety required all three.

God does the same with injured or troubled saints.  His presence and word is our strength.  When we go through hard times, it is usually the first thing to go.  We stop reading the scriptures.  Don’t!  God also provides His people as a source of strength.  Don’t abandon them either.  Then the LORD helps.  Again, the word of God is pivotal.  The advice of others is also a source.   He even throws in a miracle or two just to show Himself strong to the children of men.  But here is the place where we often cannot see it until the trouble is past.  He upholds us by His grace.  Having served the LORD in ministry for almost forty years, I can tell you God gives grace equal to our trial.  I have seen unfortunate tragedy.  I have seen a terminal diagnosis or two.  I have seen failed marriages, children going astray, and even life-altering injuries.  In all cases, I have seen the grace of God equal to each case.  Our Father has a way of lifting us up and keeping us going when we do not think it possible.  He has a way of keeping our feet on the ground and taking one step after another.  I cannot explain it.  It just is that way.  If you are in a situation like this, one step at a time is all you need to do.  Do not worry about what tomorrow will bring.  Let the crutch of God’s grace brace you against further injury and walk out of those woods unto safety.

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