Sunday, May 15, 2022

Sooner Than You Think

Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.” (Re 3:11 AV)

The second half of the verse is the application of the first half.  We all have our victor’s crown.  We all have our own race to run.  This race is not against others.  We have no other competitor but ourselves.  The challenge is to run well right to the end.  That is our calling.  That is our charge.  This is what we are all tasked to do.  The only way we lose that crown is if we surrender it.  If temptation or persecution comes that keeps us from finishing well, our crown will be lost.  It will not be gained by another, just lost by us.  So, run that race that is set before you with strength, faithfulness, and determination for the glory of God.  It is that first half upon which we wish to meditate.  This statement is one that can be thought upon regularly.  There are not enough days for devotional entries regarding Christ’s return.  We could write on those four words from this day forward and never lose relevancy or impact.  Jesus is coming quickly!  Sure enough, He is coming back before we know it!

It is easy to give up hope when we cannot see what is promised.  Especially if it takes more time than we think it should.  Recently, I had a prescription filled for eyeglasses.  I was trying to save some money and went from progressive lenses to lined bifocals.  However, I wanted executive trifocals instead of the regular half-moons stuck in the corner.  Reading my insurance, it appeared as though it would cover the additional cost.  I was promised 10-15 days for my glasses.  On day ten, the doctor’s office called and the insurance would not cover the additional upcharge.  UGH.  So, I went back in and picked a different set of frames.  If I was getting executive lenses, I wanted a squarish shape for maximum lens area.  Now that it will be half-moon, I switched to rounded frames which would hide the lines.  This starts the whole 10-15 day clock all over again.  How frustrating.  But, I know eventually, they will come in and the office will phone me.  I will be able to see my computer screen better and be able to read without as much eye fatigue.  The excitement of new glasses has worn off because I have to wait even longer.  The longer I wait, the less I look forward to their arrival.  This is exactly what is happening with the return of Christ.

My generation used to speak of the return of Christ often.  Prophecy-themed meetings and messages were common.  There wasn’t a month that went by wherein the preacher didn’t mention the return of Christ.  You don’t hear these things so much anymore.  Why?  Because the church has become tired of waiting.  We do not think He will ever come.  We have given up hope that today might be the day of the rapture.  We think that as things have gone, they will always go.  But that is not what Jesus said.  Jesus said He is coming quickly.  He warned that He will come at a time when we are not watching.  He will so come like a thief in the night and many will be unprepared for His appearance.  Not me!  Praise the LORD!  He may come back before I finish writing this.  GLORY TO GOD!  He is coming quickly.  Therefore, don’t let anyone steal your crown.  Wear it unto the end.

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