Monday, May 2, 2022

Sharing Is Caring

As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” (1Pe 4:10 AV)

In context, the gift is charity and hospitality.  Either by the hands of others or directly from God.  Ultimately, rather directly by the hand of God, or by the ministry of the saints, either way, charity, and hospitality are a grace of God.  Let us note in particular the word, stewards.  We are not consumers of God’s grace.  We are stewards.  Stewards maintain and invest.  Their responsibility towards the Master is to increase that which was assigned to them.  Like the servants who were given talents and told to occupy until the master returns, two of the three invested that which was given to them that an increase might be placed at the master's feet.  A steward does not hoard.  A steward realizes what he has does not completely belong to him.  It is on loan from the master with the intent of using that which was loaned for the benefit of the master.  Therefore, charity and hospitality are not given for our consumption.  They are given that we might return unto others that which God has given to us.  Charity begins with the gospel.  Our relationship with Christ should be shared with those who do not know Him.  Our lives are a charitable gift from God.  All the material things of life come from God’s charity.  Relationships that come by hospitality are from the grace of God.  In other words, all that we have and are come from a gracious God and are meant as means to invest in the lives of others.

There is a cute commercial with two young girls who are sitting on the floor.  Between them is a plate with several chocolate bars on it.  The commercial is for a particular bite-size chocolate bar.  The point of the commercial is to give an impression these classic chocolate bars are irresistible.  These treats have been around for over a century.  They are very well known.  As they sit, the announcer is having a conversation with these two young ladies.  He makes a game out of these treats.  There is a competition between the two as to who will enjoy the treats.  The announcer places a condition on the ability to take a treat from the plate and enjoy it.  The first condition is a race as to who is the fastest.  Then the announcer begins to place conditions that only one of the two can meet.  Such conditions as the oldest, or tallest, or the one with certain hair or eye color.  This continues until there is only one candy bar left.  The announcer says, “If you like to share, then take the candy bar.”  Both girls grab for it.  Obviously, only one of them is successful.  There is a pause.  As this winner of the last treat begins to ponder exactly what it was the announcer suggested.  You can see her little wheels turn.  He said the one who can share can take the last bar.  The dramatic pause grows a bit more intense as the possessor of the prize looks at her fellow competitor.  Then, as one might suspect, the champion reaches across and hands the last bar to her friend.  What she had gotten by the charity of the announcer, she shared with her closest friend.

We are not permitted to be an island unto ourselves.  Our lives are not given that we might consume them for our own pleasure.  Jesus Chris saved us, in part, that we might share His love with any and all who desire it.  We are not taught the word of God so that we can sit on it.  We are not preached to so that all which the Spirit accomplishes remains with self.  The hospitality shown by the friendship of others is meant to be shared with others.  We are truly blessed.  The LORD has bestowed the goodness of His benevolence on the children of me.  The riches of Christ are simply too numerous to keep to ourselves.  One truth that I have noticed is the more we share or invest, the more we realize in return.  The more we share the gospel with others, the more Jesus blesses us with the pleasure of knowing lives have been changed.  Sharing what God has given by grace often results in others sharing with us.  Stewardship is investment.  Investment has returns.  The more we invest what God has given us by grace, the more we are blessed.  The more we invest in others, the more the LORD enjoys the fruit of our labors.  Therefore, share with others the goodness of the LORD which He has so bountifully given to you.  Not merely material things.  Rather, the fruit of the Spirit is given in Galatians chapter five.  Give what He has given and it will return one-hundredfold in this life and in the next.

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