Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Calm From the Creator

Thus saith the LORD that made thee, and formed thee from the womb, which will help thee; Fear not, O Jacob, my servant; and thou, Jesurun, whom I have chosen.” (Isa 44:2 AV)

Living by faith is not for the faint of heart.  Yet, for those who desire to walk with God, there is no other choice.  What makes it a bit easier is to always keep in mind the nature and character of God and His relationship to us.  This is the point of the above verse.  God is both our Creator and Father.  God is holy and without fault.  He is a person full of compassion who does all that He does for a purpose.  God did not create for the express purpose of destroying what He has made.  This will be an inevitability because He gave the ability of free will to the beings He created.  They used that free will to rebel.  Therefore, He must destroy.  But that was not his first intention.  His first intention is to form and the cause to live those whom He created.  This is where we pick up this verse.  The prophet tells those whom God formed and to whom He gave a purpose not to fear.  No matter the situation, do not fear because the Creator did not form you to eliminate you.  He formed you to use you and to have sweet fellowship with Him.

As a child, we did a lot of camping.  Some of it was in the dead of winter.  We learned several skills that made winter tent camping safe and in some rare instances, fun.  Our Scout Troop would go camping in February.  That is a cold month of the year.  My father, learned wilderness survival while in the U.S. army.  He learned how to safely set up and survive tent camping in the middle of winter.  There are several steps the camper can take to raise the temperature inside a tent and survive rather comfortably even though the temperature outside is at or below freezing.  Insulation is the key.  The first thing the camper does is to clear away all snow from the tent site.  He then lays down straw or hay several inches thick.  The tent is pitched over the straw or hay.  Then loosely packed snow is piled on top of the tent.  Each day the old and compacted snow is removed and fresh loose snow is piled on.  It is amazing how warm a canvass tent can get when properly insulated.  As stated before, my mother had a come-a-part when here little boys went winter camping with my father.  She begged my father not to take us.  But he knew what he was doing.  He knew we would be just fine.  My father was not about to invest all that time and training to let us unnecessarily suffer or to lose us altogether.  There was no reason to fear the weekend in the snow.  My father did not go through all this to see us expire in a winter wonderland.  He did not spend those years in the army and the expense of safety equipment to have us lose a finger or toe to frostbite.  He did not go through nine months of my mother’s pregnancy and over a decade of raising and training me to see me pass in the depths of Jack Frost.

God does not create disposable people.  Regardless of the Calvinist’s interpretation of Romans chapter nine, God does not create humans so for the sole purpose of destruction.  He desires all souls to know Him.  He is the Creator.  He is the Father.  He loves us with a love that cannot be understood.  The LORD does care about all that we go through.  His heart is moved when we face things we cannot comprehend.  I especially enjoy the phrase “…from the womb…” because this shows me the LORD has a plan and is fully committed to it from the moment of our conception.  The watch care of our Creator started the second we came into existence and will never cease.  There is no need to fear.  Easier said than done.  I know that.  But our loving and caring Father knows our frame and what we will go through even before we go through it.  From eternity He knew what today would bring.  He is much our Father today as He was yesterday and will be tomorrow.  He loves us with an everlasting love and He will always be there no matter what!

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