Sunday, November 7, 2021

Unseen But Appreciated

He hath delivered my soul in peace from the battle that was against me: for there were many with me.” (Ps 55:18 AV)

This dovetails quite nicely into yesterday's devotions.  Yesterday we saw the multitude of people God provides that we might be encouraged through difficult times.  Today, we see two truths.  The sheer number of those assigned to assist.  Many of whom we are unaware of.  But we also see the deliverance itself.  I don’t know exactly when David wrote this, but he never did have an overwhelming number of human assistance.  When he fled from Saul, he had a mere 600 men.  When he ruled Israel, he was outnumbered regularly.  Perhaps to what David is referring is not the mere human assistance he received regularly, but the angelic influences and the Holy Spirit Himself.  We simply cannot comprehend the overwhelming resources God provides for us that we might make it through this pilgrimage and wage warfare that the LORD might be glorified through it all.

We seldom think of how complicated a process is necessary to produce something we value.  All the components that go into the production of something we use regularly.  The simple hamburger we order while going through the drive-through actually got into your hands by a system of countless people and processes that brought it from the window into your mouth.  From the fields that required tilling and planting to the meatpacking plant that provided the meat to the cook who actually fried it on the hot plate, there were thousands of people who participated in the production of that simple and humble cheeseburger.  Some worked in the plants to provide the machinery that worked the ground, produced the seed, fertilized the fields, and butchered the animals.  There were all those involved in research to develop the best lean meat man could produce.  Many worked to print the packaging in which your burger was encased.  This list goes on and on.  It would be impossible to assemble all those who made your cheeseburger possible.  Yet, they exist.  They were there.  They have never met you personally, but their input quenched your hunger.

The same is true of our spiritual warfare.  When the prophet in training was concerned with the size of an invading army, the elder prophet asked that the eyes of his charge be opened.  Upon the hills, he saw the chariots of God.  Spiritual beings ready to wage war against those who would threaten God’s people.  We have just as might a force in our corner.  The LORD has not left us alone to fight a battle we cannot win.  He has granted the person of the Holy Spirit to take residence in our hearts that we might be empowered to fight the fight of faith.  Along with Himself, the LORD has granted us, strangers, unawares.  Angles are sent to assist when assistance is needed.  We will never see them on this side of glory.  But they are there.  Paul mentions spiritual warfare.  It exists.  What an encouragement to know the truth there are people and forces we don’t even know who is battling right alongside us and fight hard that we might be the person God wants us to be.  What a treasure!

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