Friday, November 19, 2021

Prayer For A Leader

Let thy hand be upon the man of thy right hand, upon the son of man whom thou madest strong for thyself. So will not we go back from thee: quicken us, and we will call upon thy name.” (Ps 80:17-18 AV)

This psalm is written by Asaph.  Asaph was the songwriter and choir director assigned by David.  Asaph, being a servant under the auspices of David, felt very strongly for the king of Israel.  This psalm is a prayer for the nation and her king.  The two verses above show the love and concern this priest had for their most beloved king.  We don’t know exactly when this Psalm was written.  It could have been written for Solomon as well.  What struck me were the adjectives used to describe the king.  He is referred to as the right hand of God and the strength of God.  These adjectives might imply this man has no need for prayer.  This is not true.  No matter how strong the man of God might be, he desperately needs the prayers of the people whom he leads.

We think of our fathers as the strongest people alive.  We have seen our dads endure unspeakable circumstances.  I have seen my father go through unemployment with nine kids to feed.  I have seen my father stand up on principle and have to pay a heavy cost.  However, I have seen the most vulnerable time of his life.  Without revealing details, I have seen my father cry only once.  When he did, he let everything go.  The man that I thought was indestructible fell apart at a moment of weakness.  Knowing him as we did, we were not totally shocked, but it was a surprise.  Everyone else would break down as he did.  The loss he suffered was personal and everyone else would fall apart as he did.  But this is a man who never flinched.  He stared down adversity and kept going forward.  As strong as he was, he still needed strength.  Sometimes, we can take it for granted that the strongest people in the world can never be weak.  But they can.

Maybe our dads, civic leaders, or pastors seem strong.  But they are men, too.  They need our prayers.  Not just general ones.  But specific ones.  Prayers that specifically mention needs, vision, and enablement to do that which would make his calling successful.  Prayers for guidance.  Prayers for the Holy Spirit to be an overwhelming influence on his heart and will.  Prayers that open the meaning of the scriptures.  Prayers for help as Moses had Joshua and Aaron.  Prayers for personal holiness and integrity.  Prayers for increased love for those whom he loves.  This leader must be strong.  His people rely upon it. Without strength, the people we feel insecure.  His mind and heart have limits, though.  He can only face so much stress before it begins to wear on him.  He needs your prayers and the more he receives the blessings as a result of your prayers, the better he will be at what he does.  He may be the right hand of God.  He may have been made strong by the LORD to serve as he does.  But there is only so much he can endure.  Pray for your husband, father, civic leaders, and pastor.  He needs more than you will ever know.

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