Saturday, November 6, 2021

Praise The LORD for Helping Hands

Behold, God is mine helper: the Lord is with them that uphold my soul.” (Ps 54:4 AV)

What a wonderful verse.  The understanding is simple.  God sends help by the way of others.  When He does, He is with them.  He sends His people to be an encouragement to those who are in desperate need of encouragement.  There really isn’t much explanation needed here.  Rather, a heart of gratitude to all those whom the LORD sends so that we can make it through difficult times of life.  Although I could begin the process of naming them, there would not be enough space to do so.  And I would probably inadvertently leave someone out.  David went through some very deep waters.  Seldom did he do so alone.  There seemed to always be someone there to keep him from sinking into despair.  The only time I can recollect him being alone was just before his ascension to the throne.  He had a little band of men and their camp was invaded.  They lost their families and belongings.  It was at this point, after years of wandering, his men finally gave up on him.  The Bible tells us David has to encourage himself in the LORD.  To my knowledge, that is the only time.  He was constantly surrounded by others who would urge him on.  He was surrounded by an incredible network of people who cared for his person and success.  God provided when David needed it most.

Several years ago, I watched an incredible sight in the pasture across from our house.  There was a cow who was in distress.  I don’t know if she was calving or suffering the bloat.  At first, I didn’t know what was going on.  I watched this scene unfold and what really struck me was the behavior of the other cows.  The other cows encircled this heifer in distress.  They gathered around her as she lay in the mud.  It was so interesting to see how the herd behaved when one of their own was down.  It was in their nature to gather around her.  Maybe they were protecting her from any predator that would take advantage of the situation.  I don’t really know.  The farmer arrived and tried to get the cow back on her feet.  All to no avail.  He called for help.  At least a half-dozen men could not budge her.  So, the plan was to bring in a loader and hoist her up.  The problem was, there was a herd of bovine in their way.  They stood there watching all this in what appeared to be deep concern over one of their own.  The men herded the group into another field and lifted the sick one with the loader’s bucket and straps.  I didn’t see the final outcome, but what struck me above all else was the behavior of the herd.  They lent whatever support they could to one of their own.

This is what the body of Christ does.  They lend support when one of their own is down.  At least that is what is supposed to happen.  That is what does happen a vast majority of the time.  I for one thank God for the countless people He sends to keep me going.  The thing is, I have to realize that is exactly what I am experiencing.  God is sending these people and He is with them to help.  Rarely is it a situation similar to Job wherein they send themselves as a self-ordained counsel to find fault and cure something beyond their ability.  Almost always, those who arrive to lighten our load are sent by God to do so.  They may not always say the right things.  Or do the right things.  But it is their sincerity that counts.  Praise the LORD for the Aarons and Joshuas who know the leader’s burdens are heavy and he cannot bear them alone.  Praise the LORD for family and friends who are the hand of God in a time of deep need.

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