Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Calvary Still Stands

Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of the truth. Selah. That thy beloved may be delivered; save with thy right hand, and hear me.” (Ps 60:4-5 AV)

A banner is any kind of standard that is placed so all can see it and be encouraged or led by it.  This banner might be a directional flag to instruct troops in their movements.  It might be a tribal standard by which individual tribes might assemble.  The banner may be a flag in which the nation takes great pride.  However, in this passage, this banner may have more spiritual meaning.  The comparison to the Cross is obvious.  Jesus stated clearly,  “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.” (Joh 12:32 KJB)  That is quite a statement!  Of course, Jesus does not elaborate on what all men will do when they are drawn.  Most will reject Him.  But I digress.  The point is, there is a banner, a standard, a cross that is lifted up and displayed.  The purpose of which those who fear the LORD might be delivered from the wrath to come.  David clearly has the salvation of the LORD in mind.  There is a two-fold response by our human writer.  He asks for salvation.  But he also askes to be heard.  Not also the beloved is delivered.  Not the enemy of God.  Although the latter is true.  This occurs when the sinner comes to repentance from sin and faith in Christ.  But deliverance does not stop there.  It is continuous.  The beloved will be continually delivered because of the power of that standard.

Most have heard of the game, Capture the Flag.  Or a variation thereof.  The object of the game is to steal the flag of the opposing team and hoist it on your flag pole.  When we played, we played Boy Scout style.  The summer camp we attended had built two flag towers. All they encompassed was two Teepee frames with cross members that could be ascended.  Prisoners were held inside the Teepee frame.  The rules vary, but the strategy is to sneak up to the opposition’s tower, steal the flag, and then by subterfuge, return it to your own tower.  This game could go on for hours.  As long as that flag was atop the tower, we were encouraged.  It may not mean we were winning.  But at least it meant we were not losing.  That standard was the strength of our game.  As long as it flew, they were encouraged.  Once the adversary removed it from the top, then we knew we might lose.

Calvary’s cross cannot be undone!  As much as the Devil tried, He was appointed unto that cross from eternity past and there was nothing that would keep Him from that appointment.  What the Devil saw as defeat, the Savior suffered for victory.  There is nothing that can remove the cross other than ignorance.  And for this, the Devil fights.  He blinds the minds of those who know not Christ lest the glorious gospel of His grace shines in their hearts.  He fights really hard.  But the Cross isn’t merely for eternal life.  Sure, that is the Cross’ greatest purpose.  But it has more power than that.  When Jesus Christ died on that cross, a part of us died with Him, too.   “Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin.” (Ro 6:6 AV)  When we look at that Cross, our minds should go to the truth that the old man was slain at that same Cross.  The only reason it gives us fits is that we keep digging him back up again.  We let him arise from his defeated state.  We are the ones who lose the battle rather than yielding to the victory we already have in Christ Jesus.  So, every time we see a Cross, let us remember what that symbol means.  It means victory through death.  It means our wicked flesh can only have as much power over us that we allow.  Paul said that he dies daily.  He looks at that Cross and is delivered.  We can do the same.

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