Friday, November 26, 2021

Comfort In Mental Discomfort

In the multitude of my thoughts within me thy comforts delight my soul.” (Ps 94:19 KJB)


This verse is a bit vague.  We are missing information.  What kind of thoughts is the psalmist having?  Is he having troubling thoughts that require the comfort of God to overcome?  Or, is he having thoughts of comfort which the LORD uses to comfort his soul?  Are these happy thoughts upon happy thoughts with no negative thoughts whatsoever?  Do the thoughts of comfort combat thoughts of discomfort?  If so, how does this work?  The mind can be our greatest enemy.  It is an amazing organ.  Here are some fun facts regarding the brain’s ability to think. “Each neuron can transmit 1,000 nerve impulses per second and make as many as tens of thousands of synaptic contacts with other neurons.  Brain information travels up to 268 miles per hour.  According to the Laboratory of Neuro Imaging at the University of Southern California, the average brain generates 48.6 thoughts per minute. This adds up to a total of 70,000 thoughts per day.” - Edited and medically reviewed by Patrick Alban, DC | Written by Deane Alban,

It is amazing just how much the brain can be deceived.  There was a program on TV called brain games.  It was fascinating.  Each episode concentrated on a specific function of the brain.  In general, these were cognitive functions.  The perception of time, the power of suggestion, or visual acuity were among the varied topics.  The hose would explain the function, but would also illustrate it with normal people on the street.  It was amazing science for the unlearned.  One such episode was on the power of suggestion.  I still remember it well.  The premise was a subject could be guided to make a predetermined choice which the examiner had already set up.  They used a car dealership.  The objective was to have a random test subject choose a particular make, model, and color of a car they might buy.  The ‘magician’ did not use high-pressure sales tactics.  He mere place all around the test subject very subtle suggestions.  As they talked, he inserted very subtle hints.  Perhaps he mentioned a specific color over and again as he described a trip out west.  If he wanted the subject to choose a certain make or model, he would use references to it also embedded in normal conversation.  When the choice was made, it was the exact make, model, and color intended by the host.  Our brains can be manipulated and controlled.  Having an anchor is the best way to safeguard it.  As an absolute point of reference to which all other thoughts are subject to examination.  This is what the writer is referring to.

The misnomer of modern science and counseling is we are helpless victims to our brains.  If we have thoughts, we cannot control those thoughts.  We are helplessly victimized by random thoughts that come into our minds and there is nothing we can do about it.  If they terrorize us, it is something to which we are completely defenseless to combat.  This is not true.  Listen to Paul.   “Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;” (2Co 10:5 KJB)  Paul tells us we can control our thought life.  Knowing the triggers that bring those thoughts is the key.  If we could have an advanced warning, then we can stop a thought before it becomes one.  That is the first step.  The stopped thought must be replaced by a right thought.  And this is where the comfort of God to the soul comes in.  We need to replace those thoughts that trouble us with thoughts that that comfort us.  Only by the word of God and the ministry of the Holy Spirit can this comfort come.

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