Friday, November 12, 2021

Blessed To Share

God be merciful unto us, and bless us; and cause his face to shine upon us; Selah. That thy way may be known upon earth, thy saving health among all nations.” (Ps 67:1-2 AV)

The blessings of God are not open-ended.  That is, He does not bless that we might consume those blessings upon our lust.  They are for our pleasure.  But the blessings of God have multiple purposes.  The first is that He alone might be worshipped and glorified.  Another is represented above.  God blesses that His children might share what God has done for them to a lost and dying world.  In particular, the way of the LORD might be known and when it is known, the saving health of the LORD might also be known.  This implies a more specific application than mere blessings.  These blessings are blessings from obedience to His word and faith in His person.  When God blesses, then we can share how these blessings came.  That is, in walking by the way of the LORD.  The opposite is true. If we walk contrary to the will of the LORD, then there is no health.  So, the comparison is between walking with God and walking against God.  When those who do not know the LORD notice the blessings of our life, it is an opportunity to expound on the value of obedience and faith, pointing them to the LORD who gave us His will that they might be blessed as well.  Starting with salvation in Christ.

Training others to do a task is a normal part of life.  You train your children how to tie their shoes, how to read, or how to ride a bicycle.  You train co-workers on how to accomplish a common goal.  You train your students in the doctrines and application of the word of God.  Training others is a natural part of life.  We pass on the skills that others need or want.  From learning to play an instrument to cooking a wonderful meal, we learned from someone who already possessed the skills we sought.  Several years back, I used to play rhythm guitar in a bluegrass gospel group.  I went as far as I could go in my skill with that instrument.  Which was fine.  I enjoyed playing something I could play with enough proficiency to contribute to the overall outcome.  However, one of those times of jamming, I got a bit curious.  I watched our mandolin player.  A newbie brought his mandolin along and I was watching him.  He wasn’t very good on that instrument, but he could pluck a tune or two.  So I figured if he could do it, I might be able to have a go at it.  So, our regular player showed me a few chords and we switched.  He took my guitar and I took his mandolin.  That was all it took for me.  I went out and got a mandolin and began watching  A few lessons and I was off to the races.  Why?  Because someone was able to accomplish something I was not and his ability spurred me on to try it myself.  When I showed that interest, someone took the time to teach me.  I noticed something I wanted and without someone there to show me, that desire would have passed on unfulfilled.

The same is true with biblical principles of life.  They notice how well behaved your children are.  They notice how much you and your spouse respect and love one another.  They notice your good health.  They notice you don’t stress over finances.  They notice how much more happier and content you are compared to others around you.  They notice the absence of anxiety and fear.  In short, they notice the blessings of God on your life and want to know how it is you arrived.  This is why the LORD blesses.  He wants to do the same for them and He has done for you.  Most of all, He desires to save them from their sin and hell the same way Christ saved you.  When we receive a compliment from the lost world for the blessings God has bestowed, most say thank you and go on.  We drop the subject.  What we fail to see is their observation is a subtle way of asking how you accomplished these things.  What do we do?  What should we do?  If we have the secret sauce to a recipe, we don’t hide it.  We share it.  This is what God intends for those whom He has blessed.  Share what God has done because God is a big God.  He will not run out of blessings.  He wants to love others as He loves you.  So share the goodness of God so those who desire His goodness can be healed of the sin-sickness which plagues them.

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