Sunday, September 5, 2021

Trim The Hedges

My son, attend unto my wisdom, and bow thine ear to my understanding: That thou mayest regard discretion, and that thy lips may keep knowledge.” (Pr 5:1-2 AV)


The word ‘regard’ really jumped out at me this morning.  This word has the understanding of caring for a thorny hedge that is used as security against threats.  Discretion here is the subject.  Regarding is the action.  We often think of discretion as something we possess that will automatically kick in when a situation arises.  Sometimes it does.  Our guard goes up.  We are on the defensive.  As when a person of the opposite gender is acting a bit inappropriate, we immediately get ourselves out of that situation.  According to Solomon here, discretion is not automatic and it must be tended and strengthened.  It must be cared for.  It must be nurtured.  Discretion is something that grows over time.  IT may not be that much of a structure at first, but the word of God, the Holy Spirit’s ministry, and life’s experience help the hedge of discretion grow thicker.  That is if we regard it.

There is a popular bush planted around homes that keep intruders from getting in through the windows.  I cannot recall the name, but it might be the Japanese Barbaries bush.  We had these bushes planted in the front of our last house.  There are three things I know about this bush.  First, its thorns are not comfortable at all.   Second, it must secrete some type of oil that is great for containing weeds.  I used to put the clipping around the bushes and nothing else would grow.  Those clippings were a great mulch.  Third, these bushes grow like wildfire.  They grow so quickly that I had to trim them at least once a week.  Sometimes, twice.  These bushes, if left alone, grow more upward than outward.  Seeing as how I wanted a solid wall of bushes, tending to them as necessary.  The more I clipped the upward growth, the more outward growth was accomplished.  If I didn’t tend to them, there were gaps between the bushes that would make it possible for an intruder to gain access through a window.  Security against threats was theoretically there, but the hedge needs to be tended to that the hedge becomes more and more effective.

This is how discretion works.  The foundations are there.  They are placed there by verse one.  Knowledge and understanding are the underpinnings of discretion.  But discretion is not automatic.  It has to be nurtured.  IT has to be fertilized.  It has to be trimmed, watered, and gain access to sunlight.  Discretion cannot be left alone.  Otherwise, it may protect fully in one area but have gaping holes in another.  Discretion means we exercise our judgment in all things and refer to discretion in the perception of a threat before a threat becomes too large to conquer.  Discretion must be grown.  We can learn from the examples and mistakes of others.  We can observe mankind through the lens of the book of Proverbs and see how certain choices or directions do not end well.  We cannot go through life with blinders on and expect ot keep out of trouble.  The LORD has given the knowledge and understanding in His word.  It is up to us whether we will tend to it that discretion might mature.

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