Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Refreshment Time

Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord;” (Ac 3:19 AV)


The sins being blotted out and the times of refreshing are one in the same event.  In that, they both occur almost simultaneously.  When our sins are blotted out, then we experience times of refreshing.  That word, refreshing, means a revival.  The word means a cooling; a recovery of breath.  There are several ways in which to look at the truth stated above.  One such way would be to note the condition which exists before refreshing.  That being, a soul in need of life and revival.  This would also suggest a life of sin robs the soul of life.  Conversion and the resultant blotting out of sin end a lifeless life.  However, we want to take a closer look at that last phrase.  The times of refreshing come from the presence of the LORD.  We may experience the release of guilt and condemnation.  We may experience a sense of security knowing our sin issues have been resolved.  We may look forward to an eternity that is trouble-free.  But the source of refreshing comes from the presence of the LORD.

We have a dear furry friend that has assimilated rather nicely into our home.  Before we got him, we did a lot of research into breed temperament.  I wanted a dog for companionship.  I didn’t want a guard dog.  We also live in a rather small city house.  No yard to speak of.  So, a smaller dog was the option we looked at.  We visited a local breeder who specialized in small breeds.  We went about every two weeks or so for almost a year.  We watched the different breeds.  We decided we did not want a dog who would bark non-stop.  We did not want a high-energy little dog that would demand we play every waking moment.  We did not want a dog, like the Jack Russel, which is highly intelligent and would need constant stimulation.  One morning, we entered and saw two adorable Cavalier King Charles Spaniels.  We again did our research.  It appears this breed was created by its namesake for overnight feet warming.  The Cavalier was placed at the foot of the bed to keep its occupant’s feet warm.  Thus, this breed became extremely acclimated and dependant upon human companionship.  The Cavalier has no natural fear which often puts them in harm's way.  Especially with other dogs.  What we have noticed is our Cavalier does not do well if he is separated for a great deal of time.  He becomes nervous and anxious.  We have to limit our absence and duration that Toby does not become withdrawn and recluse.  When we arrive at home, he acts as though we had been away for years.  Our presence brings life to this people-oriented dog.

What we want to dwell on this wonderful day is our refreshing does not come from the benefits of a relationship with the LORD.  But it comes from the LORD’s presence.  Sure.  Forgiveness, eternal security, comfort, a purpose of life, joy, etc are all benefits of conversion.  They all come because of the LORD reconciling us to Himself.  But it is God’s presence alone that should be the greatest source of refreshing.  That the LORD covered our sin in His precious blood and destroyed the enmity between us and Him gives us new life.  The word refreshing is such a beautiful word.  Like a drowning victim raised to the surface and takes that first deep breath.  This is how the presence of the LORD should feel to our souls.  Like a cool breeze after a pouring rain which immediately dries the sweat from one’s brow, the presence of the LORD should refresh the sin-sick soul.

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