Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Enjoy The Training Process

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. (Eph 2:10 AV)


There are two ways of looking at this verse.  There is God’s way. Then there is the carnal way.  God’s way sees the saint as a project which He will not abandon, transforming that soul into the likeness of Christ through good works.  He has ordained or determined the child of God to do so and tirelessly works to that end.  Then there is the carnal man’s way of looking at it.  He sees the predeterminate counsel of God to conform his life by good works unto the image of Christ as a restrictive and restraining force meant to deprive the believer of a life of pleasure and happiness.  The godly saint sees the verse above as a great promise of liberty from sin.  It was sin that was sending him to hell and it is sin that keeps him from the joys set before him.  He is more than happy to endure the work of God on his life that he might be free of that part of him which he so deeply despises.  The carnal believer sees this promise as an infringement.  He cannot see the tremendous liberty that comes by humble and cheerful submission.  I choose to meditate upon the former.

In to olden days, there was such a thing called a guild.  A guild was an association of like-minded and crafted tradesmen who, among other things,  established standards to their craft and worked with one another to train apprentices to that end.  Today, there is still that understanding between certain trades.  Electricians, plumbers, and other building trades still have a system carried over from centuries before that establishes a standard for their service.  Terms like journeymen, apprentices, or tradesmen are still used today.  When a new hire is brought on, he is brought on as a laborer.  He does all the simple work that just about anyone could do.  Over time and with a dedicated mentor, that laborer is taken on as an apprentice.  He learns the craft and is examined according to his knowledge and abilities.  Eventually, he is certified and given the title of a journeyman.  He can do the work but still needs more supervision.  Eventually, he gets his own truck and becomes a mentor for an apprentice.  Along the process, the business owner has determined where that laborer will fit into his company’s needs.  He has determined the course of training and exposer to skills that will benefit the company and the employee.  It would be foolish to fight against this opportunity.  Rather, the laborer should embrace it.

What comforts my heart is the LORD has a plan for my life!  In a general sense, it is mentioned above.  The LORD has determined my life to be conformed into the image of Christ.  For me, this is great news.  The old man of sin to which I am attached until death or the rapture is my greatest enemy.  I hate him.  He always desires to do those things which please him rather than God.  This causes much shame, guilt, and sorrow of heart.  He needs to go away.  I can take comfort the LORD had determined in a general sense, and a specific plan, that the old man will be crucified afresh and there will be good works which will then please my Father!  I can rejoice that no matter how much of a failure I might be at times, the LORD is always there and He will work non-stop that I might receive the blessing of contentment and joy that can only come by pleasing Him!  Praise be to Him who and ordained that I should walk in these good works!

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