Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Perseverance - In Prayer

Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;” (Eph 6:18 AV)


With regards to the underlined words, perseverance is in the exercise of prayer.  In particular, the exercise of prayer for all saints.  This would exclude prayer for our own needs.  Which, depending on the severity, perseverance would not be an issue.  Our needs are often the most important of all.  When we have a need or when life is overwhelming, prayer often comes easy and persistent.  With regards to the needs of others, our perseverance in prayer is often challenged.  Paul follows verse eighteen with a specific request in verse nineteen.  That request is for boldness.  He desires the church at Ephesus to pray fervently and unceasingly for boldness, especially in regards to his misfortunes in Rome.  Some commentators expound on the idea of watching unto prayer as meaning the intercessor should both watch for opportunities to pray for all saints as well as stay faithful in prayer until those prayers are answered.  At any rate, the underlined portion of our passage is that truth which the Spirit wishes to emphasize this day.

When I met my future wife, she was secretary to a fella that lobbied the state government on behalf of religious and biblical issues facing the state legislator.  He also served them by offering prayer time and bible study with willing politicians.  There was a standing offer to all pastors in our state to accompany this lobbyist on any given day he worked the capital building.  One could tail Dwayne as he went from office to office and expressed concern over pending legislation.  Meetings to discuss a single piece of legislation may occur multiple times.  His ministry was to represent churches and the LORD by expressing concern or offered guidance so the laws of the state did not hinder religious liberty nor offend a holy God.  Dwayne had to do his research.  He had to be aware of all pending legislation.  He had to be up to date on committee assignments and progress.  He had to keep himself informed as to the progress of any idea or possible piece that would appear before the chambers.  He kept up with the politicians, building relationships that would bridge the gap and open an otherwise shut door.  To say Dwayne persevered in lobbying for the interest of God’s people would be an understatement.

What strikes my mind and heart is the idea of watching with perseverance.  Or, as many commentators express it, to watch for opportunities to pray.  This would require and involvement in the lives and goals of others.  This would mean we take an interest in the situation of a saint.  This would mean we use the mind to entertain what another saint may need or what they might be going through.  This would also mean we take our eyes off of what we might be experiencing and put them on someone else.  Paul said it this way, “Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.” (Php 2:4)  That word, perseverance, is a challenging word.  We cannot quit.  We cannot develop tunnel vision centered on our own lives.  Paul asks for prayer.  He knows with the prayer of the saints, his ministry is far more apt to bring fruit unto the kingdom.  Let us watch unto prayer with all perseverance that the work of God might gain a return.

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