Thursday, September 2, 2021

The Hidden Treasure of Wisdom

He layeth up sound wisdom for the righteous: he is a buckler to them that walk uprightly.” (Pr 2:7 AV)


The word picture here is astounding.  Verse four compares wisdom to silver and precious treasures.  In our verse this morning, the LORD hides this treasure called wisdom for the righteous.  Wisdom is compared to a treasure that is layed up or hidden for the righteous to find.  It is not hoarded.  It is not selfishly kept to God Himself.  This treasure called wisdom is reserved for those who seek it.  This brings us to our salient point.  Wisdom is often thought of in many different terms.  It is thought of as a necessary evil to ward of worse evils.  Wisdom is seen as an encroachment on our personal liberty that is designed for nothing more than to rob us of pleasure.  Wisdom is seen as anything but a treasure. Unless we are pursuing a goal that brings pleasure by wisdom, wisdom is seen as a negative.  Like the cooking shows my wife and I like to watch.  They teach irrefutable truths like cheese and fish do not go together, which reveals wisdom that makes cooking a pleasure. Only those with a desire to live right will appreciate and search out wisdom.

One of my all-time favorite movies is The Goonies.  For those unfamiliar, it is a story of young lads looking for secret treasure.  These boys are about twelve years old.  Still in the youth of imagination and exploration, these boys are searching for this pirate treasure that they might rescue their sea-faring town from possession by a developer.  It starts with one of the boys who is rummaging around in his attic and comes across a map.  This map reveals the location of the pirate ship once sailed by the dreaded pirate, One-Eyed Willy.  A subplot is this group of adventurous boys happen upon a family of ruthless counterfeiters.  In their pursuit of this treasure, this ruthless family is right on their tails.  Eventually, they do discover the treasure and rescue their town.  The reason this resonates so well is the story puts to screen what many young men dream.  Many of us have dug holes or searched the woods for some sort of hidden treasure.  I can attest to that.  Many hours were spent walking about my father’s woods looking for something of value.  It is said there have been several treasure hunts in the recent past which an interested party could buy into a map and clues.  It is in our nature to look for something valuable among the clutter of life.  We remodeled and found letters dating back to WWII hidden in the walls.  We love to look for things.   Why not wisdom?

James tells us that if we ask for wisdom, God gives it liberally.  He desires to share wisdom.  But He will not share it with those who do not appreciate it.  This brings us back to our point.  Wisdom is meant to give us the most blessed and happy life possible.  Like learning an instrument, one must apply themselves to the lessons taught and then discipline oneself to the skills learned.  Although I know there are musicians that might regret the hard work it took to learn to play, they are rare.  Most musicians appreciate the talent to play and play for pure enjoyment.  But this takes wisdom.  They may have had to sacrifice other liberties, but in the end, the talent to play an instrument with skill and pleasure is something most appreciate.  Wisdom for all areas of life should be seen the same way.  Those who wish to live in righteousness will search out wisdom as the Goonies looked for One-Eyed Willy’s treasure.  There is an end game.  There is a purpose.  And reaching that goal is more satisfying than the search ever was.  For us, that goal is Christlikeness.

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