Saturday, December 12, 2020

The Irony of Unbelief

And now I stand and am judged for the hope of the promise made of God unto our fathers: Unto which promise our twelve tribes, instantly serving God day and night, hope to come. For which hope’s sake, king Agrippa, I am accused of the Jews.” (Ac 26:6-7 AV)


When I read this verse, I thought “how ironic”.  Paul is making a superior argument here.  The very thing Israel had been looking for since the days of Abraham, they are not refusing.  The faithfulness of Israel to the law was a testament to the hope which they had in the coming of the Messiah.  Paul, the Pharisee, is making a legal argument that Agrippa knew as effective and condemning to the prosecution.  If the prosecution attempts the make an argument the message of Paul is divisive, their own behavior would make that accusation null and void.  If they made the argument that Jesus destroyed their traditions and laws, they would lose on the premise of Abraham being the father of those who live by faith.  Paul made that argument in the book of Galatians.  If they argued Paul lacked standing to preach the gospel of Christ, Paul would counter with the book of Jeremiah.  No matter what argument the prosecution made, they would be placed in checkmate by the history of the nation of Israel itself.  Jesus was the fulfillment of the promise of hope made since the garden of Eden and for which the nation of Israel looked.  To prosecute Paul as the messenger who revealed that promise of hope would lose in any court.

Putting it in another context, imagine if a family in your neighborhood could not make their mortgage payment.  Because of COVID, both parents were out of work.  A wealthy neighbor, knowing their situation, promised to make their mortgage current.  The first month went by.  Their neighbor did not pay the mortgage.  However, he reassured this poor family it would be handled.  The second month went by.  The same thing happened.  Now this family was two months behind.  This continued for a total of six months when finally the bank began foreclosure proceedings.  It was at this time the wealthy neighbor approached the bank and offered to pay the outstanding balance and pay ahead another six months so the family would not have to worry.  The bank, however, needed the mortgage holder to sign off on the agreement.  The officer of the bank rang the doorbell.  Letting him in, Mom and Dad sat with the banker at the table and fully expected the banker to issue eviction papers.  However, the banker explained how their wealthy neighbor had promised to cover their debt.  He reminded them he promised to do so every month and offered proof he would take care of it.  All they needed to do was to sign a letter stating they had insufficient funds of their own to pay the debt and they were in need of benevolence from a caring neighbor.  What they had hoped was staring them in the face.  Yet, they would not sign.  No one in their right mind would think these two people were rational or reasonable.  That which they had hoped for was staring them in the face and they flat out refused.  This is what humanity does with Christ.

Almost every Saturday, I have the privilege of knocking on doors.  We go door-to-door just like the disciples were instructed by our LORD and just as Paul did. I find it hugely ironic the vast majority of homes are celebrating a holiday which marks the coming of our LORD almost two thousand years ago, yet when we try to expound on the fulfilled promise as the hope of which they celebrate, we are turned down.  Sometimes, rather vehemently.  By celebrating Christmas, the lost testify to the reality of a Savior whom they personally reject.  And they call Christians irrational.  They accuse fundamental Christians of being crazy.  Who in their right mind would celebrate the fulfillment of hope and then when offered that same hope, reject it?  Damnation makes no rational sense.  Those who would reject the free gift of salvation in Christ, yet celebrate the coming of it are so messed up.  Paul was right when he encouraged Timothy to reach those who opposed themselves.  But take heart, there are those who are ignorant of the personal application of the promise of which they memorialize.  Give the Spirit a chance to connect the dots for them.  Continue to share the gospel.  Almost Agrippa became a believer.  Who knows, maybe he did later in life.  Yes, it is the definition of insanity to reject a reality which a person has obviously recognized.  This insanity is caused by no more than pride.  But God can overcome pride.  Keep at it saint!  There are still souls who are looking for answers.  Not everyone has gone mad.

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