Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Faithfulness and Truthfulness Are the Foundation of Promise

And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.” (Re 21:5 AV)


The first statement cannot be removed from the second.  When Jesus Christ states He will make all things new, it is pointless unless His words are also true and faithful.  Promising to fix everything but not keeping that promise is pointless.  When Jesus says He will make all things new, He means just that.  There will be absolutely no remnant of what now is carried over into what will be except the souls of the redeemed.  We will be carried over.  Yet, we will be transformed into perfect Christlikeness.  All of creation will be devoured in a fervent heat and recreated in righteousness and true holiness.  When Jesus promises to make all things new, He is not speaking of improving what now is.  There will be no “new and improved” version of what we have now.  Every atom will be destroyed and Jesus Christ will start with a blank canvass.  This is completely foreign to our thinking.  Our minds can only work with what is.  We cannot work with what is not.  But the Creator of the universe can.  This also suggests we cannot even conceive of what will come. 

I am an amateur tinkerer.  That is, I will work with things and fail more than succeed.  Recently, I completed a project for the church.  It was a craft type project.  As well as I thought it through, there were still, and are flaws.  I should have done the project slightly differently.  My intentions and sincerity were never in doubt.  But I could only work with what I had and what I knew.  As I worked with it, there were changes along the way.  Mostly engineering-type changes.  When one way failed, I changed the design.  Limited to only what was available, the end product was a best as I could make it.  I was limited in finances.  I was limited by what the hardware store carried.  I was limited by the materials I was using.  Although the end product will work, materials and resources limit what the end product will be.  Even if there were unlimited resources and abilities, humanly speaking, the end product would still be limited.  Limited by the materials, resources, and abilities of creation.  When it comes to recreating the world, the Creator is not limited.  He is eternal.  Even His imagination is without limits.  Something tells me we could not even conceive of what it might be like.

This is His promise.  And His promise is faithful and true.  This is the main idea of what we wish to think.  The promise is a phenomenal one.  To think that God will create something new and perfect in such a manner we cannot even conceive is enough to blow the mind.  But then, to also remember His promises are faithful and true, is the icing on the cake.  To know there is no force or being that can hinder the promises and work of God is something that goes a long way to our sense of security.  To know that whatever God says He will do, even if we cannot conceive of it, will still come to pass is a force that allows us to put doubt and anxiety behind us.  What God says, that He will do.  The two cannot be separated.  If God will not do it, then He will not promise it.  If He promises it, then He will do it.  These words are true and faithful.

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