Friday, December 4, 2020

Created Flawed - Destined to be Fixed

For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven: If so be that being clothed we shall not be found naked. For we that are in this tabernacle do groan, being burdened: not for that we would be unclothed, but clothed upon, that mortality might be swallowed up of life. Now he that hath wrought us for the selfsame thing is God, who also hath given unto us the earnest of the Spirit.” (2Co 5:1-5 AV)


Sorry for the lengthy passage, but it was important to consider the underlined portion of the text in the overall context of the passage.  The selfsame thing for which God has wrought us is mentioned in verses one through four.  The earthly house is our physical bodies.  The house that is eternal in the heavens is the glorified body we will inhabit for all of eternity.  A body free from the limitations of this earthly body.  A body not subject to temporal creation.  A body that cannot suffer mortality or any of the effects thereof.  Then, Paul describes the physical experience of being human.  Our earthly bodies cause pain and suffering.  This suffering is manifested by groaning.  Trust me, the older one gets, the more groaning is part of the routine.  Just before Paul makes the statement which we have underlined, he tells us that for which we groan.  We groan that this mortal life may be swallowed up in eternal life.  Now here is the immeasurable blessing of the underlined portion of our text.  It is for this reason God made us in the first place.  He made us so that He might glorify us.  He created us that we might have an eternal body much like the body of Christ.  He made us that we might dwell in His heaven with an existence free of groaning.  The purpose came before salvation.  Think about this.  He saved us that we might be glorified.  He created us that we might be saved.  Therefore, God’s act of creation has a perfect ending.  That perfect ending was not an afterthought because Adam and Eve sinned.  It was determined before He created.  WOW!

Many years ago, I wanted to invent a sighting system for a recurve bow so that I didn’t have to measure yardage.  I set to work thinking about this task.  I noticed there was a constant that never changes.  Elevation didn’t matter.  Windage didn’t matter.  This one constant was always the same no matter the conditions.  That constant was the perceived size of one’s target.  If the vitals of my target was the size of a nine-inch plate, I noticed the perceived size of that plate reduced by a constant value the further I moved away.  So, I took a nine-inch plate and held a ruler at arm’s length.  Starting at ten yards, I measured the perceived size of that nine-inch plate.  Every ten yards, the reduction of the perceived size of the plate was the same.  Exact intervals or values no matter what.  The drop of the arrow would vary depending on the ballistic characteristics of the projectile.  Speed of flight would also determine drop.  So, I knew this sight had to be adjustable.  I set to work building this sight.  It went through several prototypes.  Finally, after several attempts, I had a working prototype.  I mounted it on my bow and off to the target range I went.  I was amazed.  I randomly shot at different distances at a nine-inch plate.  As long as the plate fits inside the edges of my etched pattern, the arrow hit dead center.  I even shot an arrow into an arrow.  The point is, I worked at it until it was perfect.  The intent of making the sight was not to make the best possible sight.  It was to perfect it!

The psalmist declares, “The LORD will perfect that which concerneth me: thy mercy, O LORD, endureth for ever: forsake not the works of thine own hands.” (Ps 138:8 AV)  God did not create and then scramble to fix what we had ruined.  He created, knowing what He created would get ruined.  He created a flawed being to perfect him or her.  We often think in terms of maintenance.  We buy a car and after a while, we have it worked on.  Or, we buy a house to restore it.  What we do not do is create something with inherent flaws to fix it up.  But this is what the LORD has done.  He created you and me with inherent flaws.  We were created with a fallen nature inherited from Adam.  This monumental flaw is what sends the soul to a devil’s hell.  That is unless we repent and trust only Jesus Christ as our Savior.  God allowed us to come into this world with problems.  I could not create a perfected sight from the start.  It had to go through trials.  It had to be tested.  Improvements had to be made.  Being human, I cannot create perfection.  God can!  He did in Adam and Eve.  Since then, the LORD created imperfection.  But this imperfection was created that it might become perfection.  It is the very reason for His creation of you and I.  He created us imperfect so that He might perfect us!

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