Monday, December 21, 2020

Divine Data Input

This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them;” (Heb 10:16 AV)


I realize this is a promise to the nation of Israel quoted from Jeremiah 31:33,34.  It is a promise to Israel that following the seven-years tribulation period that redeemed Israel will receive the ingrafted word of God and in doing so, will live according to the laws of God with full faith in their Messiah.  However, there may be a practical application for today’s saint.  One of my personal struggles is memory.  It has been that way since childhood and only getting worse the older I get.  It is frustrating because the LORD teaches me repeatedly from His word and I regret not being able to recall what He has revealed.  Especially when I read the Proverbs.  Each and every proverb has an application for me.  Some more so than others.  I find myself continuously saddened that memory fails me and consequently, so does the behavior.  However, the promise above indicates the LORD may be writing the word in our minds and on our hearts more than we might realize.  Israel had the written word.  What they lack is a personal relationship with their Messiah that would result in the Holy Spirit indwelling them, this gaining the ability to hear, learn, and retain the word of God.  We, being the saints of God by the blood of Christ have that indwelling.  Consequently, the word of God is written in our minds and on our hearts without fully being aware of the process or results.  The more we read, study, and meditate, the more they are written.

Over the years, the LORD has put me in situations that, at the time, seemed like they were way over my head.  Situations that needed resolving and I had never studied out this scenario, per se.  Many years ago, I was involved in assisting a church through some difficult problems.  The issues regarded differences over church polity.  These differences were exacerbated by a church constitution that was poorly written or, deliberately written in such a way that stronger personalities ruled the day.  The thing is, I was still going to school, was a young father, and had little experience in this area.  However, as the issues progressed, learning of law and the Bible became a high priority.  These things were not the most difficult hurdles to overcome.  The politics of a local church with varied personality types was the real challenge.  It wasn’t long before I found myself thrust into a situation that needed resolving and I was left holding the bag.  I sought counsel from preacher friends of mine.  I called a Christian legal service.  I consulted with college professors.  When it came down to the specific meeting where all this was resolved, it took listening to the leading of the Spirit who gave wisdom on a moment by moment basis.  One objection resulted in a certain response.  Another opinion resulted in another rebuttal.  The short of it is, the church finally clarified their position on church polity so there would no longer be confusion when new leadership was called.  I disagreed with the direction they chose to go, but that was not the point.  The point was unity and agreement among the majority even if the majority was wrong.  What was astounding about that experience was I had little to no experience in such church matters.  Yet, the Spirit gave wisdom as I needed it.  Where did it come from?  It came from the principles of the word of God written in my mind and heart through all that studying I did without me even being aware of the work of the Spirit.

When I read of the promise above I can take comfort that even if my ability to recall is not what it used to be, that does not mean the word is missing.  It is there.  When I need it, the Spirit will bring to my remembrance principles or passages I need in order to make choices that need to glorify God.  This is a miracle of the Spirit.  Knowing the Spirit can overcome our limitations is a wonderful truth.  Even when it comes to learning and retaining the word of God.  When we read and are impressed with truth, we do not have to wonder if it was all for naught.  The word of God does encourage us to memorize its words.  But unless we have a photographic memory, much of it will not stick.  Take heart, though.  We can and do learn.  The Spirit does that for us.  That which is lacking is more than made up by His ministry to our limited minds.  Praise be to the LORD.

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