Sunday, December 20, 2020

Empathy Made Flesh

Wherefore in all things it behoved him to be made like unto his brethren, that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the sins of the people. For in that he himself hath suffered being tempted, he is able to succour them that are tempted.” (Heb 2:17-18 AV)


There is a two-fold ministry here of the LORD Jesus Christ.  The first, which we rarely forget, is reconciliation.  Jesus Christ came in human flesh to be tempted as we so that He could perfectly fulfill the law and thus, presenting Himself as the perfect sacrifice for our sins.  Animals could not be a sufficient sacrifice for they could not be tried under the law.  This perfect sacrifice, tried under the law without failing, could only be accomplished by the Son of God.  There is another aspect of His ministry listed above.  One we too often forget.  That is the ministry of succouring.  The word ‘succour’ means to bring help, bring aid, or relieve.  This ministry is in the context of having once donned the limited existence of human flesh.  The Second person of the trinity is in a unique position to help having lived for thirty-three years with the same existence as you and I.  Further, the help and relief He gives as mentioned above are when temptation is at our door.  Some think it temptation as in trials, others think it is temptation unto sin.  I think both are applicable.  To think that the Son of God thought enough of each individual that He came in our likeness so as to empathize and offer help in our weakness is something beyond our comprehension.

One of the difficulties in ministry is being able to empathize with those going through a difficult time when you personally have not had to deal with it.  No matter how sincere your words and prayers, there seems to always be something missing.  Over the last decade or so, I have had the privilege to be a minister of helps when a loved one graduates into eternity.  I have been at the bedside of a few as they went off into eternity.  Most, I was at the bedside either just prior to, or following the passing.  I cannot begin to tell you how much of a humbling experience it is to share that moment with a family of saints who know for sure their loved one is in glory awaiting their arrival.  I have had to say goodbye to a parent, a brother, and many friends along the way.  It is never easy.  But I have never had to say goodbye to my spouse.  I simply do not know how that feels.  I have had to say goodbye to loved ones who have died from disease, tragically, and even peacefully.  Many partings over the years.  Almost always bittersweet.  To be someone who assists in helping a saint enter the glory of God is something I will always treasure.  But I have never had to say goodbye to my spouse.  I cannot imagine how that feels.  I cannot completely empathize with someone going through it like a pastor who might be widowed.  There are things others go through that I will never truly understand because I have not, or will not, suffer the same.  It is impossible for me to see it all.  We can be sincere.  We can love.  We can try to understand.  But there is only One who truly does.  This is one reason why He came in the flesh; that He might know what it is to be human and empathize with the suffering of His creation.

Jesus didn’t have to do what He did.  He could have judged mankind and started over.  But He didn’t.  He could have been a God who simply reigned aloof demanding compliance of His creation and punishing us when we failed.  He would have been justified in doing so.  But it was love that sent Him to a manger.  It was love that allowed the pains of being human to inflict His body.  It was love that put up with all the temptation mankind would ever face and some we would never face.  It was love that drove Him to a cross.  It was love that kept Him on that cross.  It was love that opened the grave.  It was love that found Him placing His own blood on the mercy seat to plead for forgiveness of wicked mankind.  And it is still love that reaches down from heaven every time we suffer trials or temptations offering to succour us in our darkest hour.  Words fail to perfectly describe the reality above.  To consider the wonder of the incarnation for the purpose of empathy is something I will never grasp.  That God loved me enough to come to earth and suffer as I suffer for no other reason so that He can understand what it is like to walk in my shoes is beyond humbling.  If we could only remember this as we walk through life in the darkest of times, our burden will become much lighter.  He is there and He understands!

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