Saturday, December 19, 2020

Hard Times are a'comin'

For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?” (1Pe 4:17 AV)


The context of this verse is really interesting.  Verse twelve starts a discussion of fiery trials that we beget the saint.  From there, Peter expounds these trials are persecutions for one’s faith.  Verse fifteen, Peter mentions if we are to suffer, let us not suffer as a wrongdoer.  If we are going to suffer, we should suffer for our faith.  Then this statement is made above.  Because of the word that starts out the verse, I think Peter is suggesting persecution is the judgment that will come upon the house of God.  This judgment must come first.  Before He judges the world, He must judge the righteous.  This is not without precedent.  The LORD judged Israel by way of Assyria and Babylon.  Then, He judged the nations that were used to judge Israel.  If this line of thinking is correct, what that means for the latter-day church is significant.  God will judge His people before judging the world.  We are going to suffer persecution prior to the rapture as a means to cleanse the church before He judges the world for their rejection of Him.  Many in our world of Bible-believing Christians are becoming discouraged at what they see in the short term for those of faith.  We already see how the forces of evil want to exact revenge on people of faith for nothing more than their faith.  However, if we are honest, the bride of Christ sure could use a little cleansing before she meets her bridegroom.

I have had the privilege of officiating my share of weddings.  There were differences.  But there were more similarities.  There is always the intrepid groom who is nervous as a cat in a room full of occupied rocking chairs.  That is, until the moment the rehearsal is over.  Then all of a sudden his demeanor has changed.  He is all in!  Then there are the plans that must come together.  The bride and her mother are a nervous wreck.  In their view, nothing is coming together.  In their view, this will be the worst wedding in recorded history.  But there is another constant that seems to appear.  That is, the length and depth a bride will go through to appear as beautiful as she can for her wedding day.  It starts perhaps a year out.  She goes on a diet so she can fit into her ideal dress size.  Then all things come to a flurry about a month out.  She gets her hair permed so it can settle by the time the big day comes around.  Then a week before, she gets her eyebrows plucked.  That has to be painful.  Then two days before, she gets her nails done.  Another trim of her hair, multiple fittings, and the morning of, she is in the hairstylist's chair for a bit.  Not to mention the make-up, the squeezing into a dress about a half-size too small, and the uncomfortable shoes she has to wear, that bride goes through some discomfort to be the most beautiful creature her groom has ever laid hands on.  She does all this because she loves him and wants him to see her at her best.

Could it be the bride of Christ is being prepared for a time of persecution?  Could it be we are going to experience a time of cleansing?  Could it be we have allowed too much of the world to tarnish Christ in us and we need a good tummy-tuck, perm, or any other adjustment to get ourselves prepared for the coming of our Groom?  Peter writes the following, “And delivered just Lot, vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked: (For that righteous man dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing, vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds;) The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished:” (2Pe 2:7-9 AV)  Lot here is a type of the church.  What our beloved brother tells us is the LORD will remove us from the world apart from their judgment.  But what is noteworthy here is the Sodom and Gomorrah did vex the soul of Lot and his family.  After all, he lost all but his two daughters.  If he is a type of the church prior to the rapture, he is telling us the church will be vexed with an evil world as well.  Which means we need some cleaning up.  Perhaps this is what is coming in the very near future.

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