Friday, October 9, 2020

Shock Someone By Saying Hello

And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so?” (Mt 5:47 AV)

When we think of saluting, we normally think of it in military terms.  In this sense, saluting is a greeting wherein a subordinate recognizes the authority of a superior.  The subordinate is to initiate the salute and the superior returns it.  However, the word ‘…salute…’ here means, to salute one, greet, bid welcome, wish well to; to receive joyfully, welcome.  Note this salutation is not a passing recognition of the existence of another.  It means to recognize, greet, and wish well to another.  This salutation is not to be given with prejudice.  It is to be given no matter the person or circumstance.  To salute only friends and acquaintances is to do the bare minimum.  That is what everyone does.  But to strike up conversations with complete strangers and wish them goodwill shows a greater standard of compassion, interest, and love for one’s fellow man.  Besides, no one expects it so it makes it all the more fun.

One of the unintended consequences of face covers and physical distancing is the breakdown of personal connection human souls have with one another.  They call it ‘social distancing’ for a reason.  What this has done is turn individuals into natural adversaries.  We see one another as a possible threat.  We see someone else as automatically infected with COVID and someone with whom we should avoid at all costs.  This has led to the breakdown of human connection, understanding, compassion, and community interest.  To this end, this has been the tool of the devil.  We are harboring safe in our own little dwelling refusing to get involved with our neighbor.  The mandates are not the problem.  Our response to these mandates are.  This initiatives from our well-meaning government have caused irreparable harm to our human existence.  What is more, it is totally unnecessary.  Just the other day, I was in a Target making a purchase.  This purchase required assistance from an employee.  I struck up a conversation with him describing the plans I had for the product in question.  As I was leaving, the LORD spoke to my heart not to end the conversation so business-like and abruptly.  So, I went back.  I introduced myself.  He introduced himself.  We had a more lengthy conversation about the LORD and church.  This ended in handing him a gospel tract.  On the way out, I struck up another conversation with another employee who was doing inventory.  Face coverings and physical distancing does not require we treat our fellow man like someone who is destined to get us sick.

When I lived in the South, I learned many things.  One of the most useful and greatest of all cultural norms was the neighborliness in which southerners interact with one another.  It is expected.  One expects to have a conversation with a total stranger as if you had known them for many years.  Up north, not so much.  This leads to great exchanges and opportunities to share one’s faith and joy with another.  Greeting them not as though you are trying to sell them something.  Rather, greeting them as if you are truly interested in them and desire life’s best for them.  There is a difference.  Besides, as I wrote above, it is a lot of fun.  I don’t know how that young man’s day went after I left or how that inventory clerk spoke to others after our exchange.  But what I can tell you is their day was a little bit better because another human being took a brief moment out of their day to wish them a good day.  Someone cared enough about them as an individual to be personable with them and that could have made all the difference.  We live in a vacuum and because we do, we do harm one to another.  Get out of your shell!  Say hello.  Ask how they are doing like you really care.  Don’t let a face covering or six feet make you into an isolated individual.  Greet one another with a full heart.

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