Friday, October 30, 2020

Recompense Matters

Then answered Peter and said unto him, Behold, we have forsaken all, and followed thee; what shall we have therefore?” (Mt 19:27 AV)


I am so glad the LORD did not rebuke Peter for asking this question.  On the face of it, this question seems to be so shallow and carnal.  What difference would it make?  Shouldn’t we be all in regardless of any recompense?  Shouldn’t we be willing to sacrifice everything because the LORD sacrificed His life for us?  Those are the responses we would expect from the LORD.  Yet, Jesus reassures Peter and the rest that their sacrifice will not go unnoticed.  Our Savior comforts the hearts of those who will dedicate their lives to the furtherance of the gospel that He appreciates it and will tangibly recognize their sacrifice.  What follows applies across dispensations.  At least in principle.  Jesus promises temporal things to His disciples.  This will certainly be so in the millennial reign.  But He also promises eternal things.  This is for all of us.  Personally, as a man of God called of God to serve God with my life, I can understand Peter’s question.  It is not a question posed often.  The privilege to serve Him with one’s life is, more times than not, a reward in and of itself.  However, there are fleeting times when the man of God and his family wonder if the cost was worth it.  We wonder if we will see some fruit from our labor.  We do not see much tangible evidence our ministry made all that much impact, so we wonder if the sacrifice made will be evened out eventually.  Some may think this is immature and carnal.  But it is natural and a concern which the LORD did not rebuke; but rather, answered with encouragement.

Some professions are never truly recompensed for their self-sacrifice and willingness to be committed to a cause or principle far greater than any remuneration.  There are healthcare workers, first responders, police, teachers, childcare workers, etc who all work very hard and sacrifice more than the average laborer.  The military serviceman or servicewoman sacrifices far more than their life.  Often, they sacrifice family as well.  When we speak of sacrificing for the ministry, the one who often gives the most is the pastor or missionary wife who sacrifices far more than most.  She often gives up her freedom, her family, and her peace of mind with little to no return.  Her husband enjoys some recognition.  He enjoys a word or two of encouragement.  But his wife is the unsung hero of his ministry.  She is forced to move where ever the LORD may call her husband, giving up the most important thing to her.  Her children and grandchildren.  She must endure comments about her husband she would rather not hear.  She cannot have the home that others have for ministry demands of her and her family a sacrifice that often makes that impossible.  It hurts to see others enjoy the blessings of this life, all the while knowing they will never be part of hers.  Yet, she loves being asked to do a bible study, make a few phone calls, or go on a few visits just to encourage others as they struggle through life.

My wife and I are truly blessed to be asked of the LORD to serve.  We haven’t been asked to give a whole lot.  When I think of those who have sacrificed the most, my mind goes to missionaries on the field or saints in lands of persecution.  One wonders how they do it.  How do they go to a land where they do not know the language and the culture is strange to them?  How do they leave their family behind and love on those whom they may never completely understand?  I don’t understand, and probably never will, how someone can have their home destroyed, the family beaten, and suffer imprisonment for the cause of Christ.  I feel ashamed if I think my cost is too much to bear.  Others have given far more than I will ever come close to giving.  Yet, the question is still asked.  What will be our recompense?  Will there be any recognition for that which was surrendered for a greater purpose and greater love.  The answer to that question is yes.  There will be a day of reconning.  There will be a day when what was sacrificed and given will be placed in the scales and the scales will be even.  This is never the motivation.  Understand this.  The true servant of God is glad to serve no matter the recompense.  He, or she, loves the Savior more than anything that might be gained.  But the promise of some sort of compensation heals the hurts that come along the way.  Knowing the sacrifice will not go unnoticed or under-appreciated is the salve that heals the wounds.  Our Savior is more gracious than we deserve and take comfort that He knows what is demanded of the servant and will see to it His servant is honored.

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