Wednesday, October 28, 2020

As The Sun Sets

Jesus answered, Are there not twelve hours in the day? If any man walk in the day, he stumbleth not, because he seeth the light of this world. But if a man walk in the night, he stumbleth, because there is no light in him.” (Joh 11:9-10 AV)


These comments come on the heels of our LORD’s disciples warning him not to return to Judea.  Jesus’ friend, Lazarus, lay sick.  He would die and lay entombed four days.  Jesus intended to take His disciples to the home of Lazarus so they could witness the resurrection of the dead in a way they had never seen it before.  This was the third time Jesus raised someone from the dead.  However, the other two were freshly dead.  The LORD needed to do this to give one last and dramatic proof He was who He claimed to be.  And, He did this for His followers.  There was a risk involved.  If Jesus returns to Judea, the Jews lay in wait to take Him and crucify Him before the appointed time.  Thomas would later remark they may as well all go with Him and die there with Him.  They were so convinced of the certainty of the risk, they could not see the opportunity.  Our Savior’s remarks simply mean there are times of opportunity and times when an opportunity is gone.  Mankind walks in the daylight.  He cannot walk in the dark.  Opportunity does not come by man alone.  It comes from God’s hand.  So, taking an opportunity when one exists is greater than the risks involved.  Particularly when the work of the LORD is concerned.

By nature, I am not that big of a risk-taker.  At least in some things.   It all boils down to embarrassment.  If there is guaranteed embarrassment if I fail, then I won’t take the risk.  However, if a failure does not result in embarrassment, then it might be something I pursue.  In fact, if there is a good chance shame would not be associated with failure, then I, more than likely, would be all in.  Our state fair has a booth of exotic food.  There is snake, turtle, and alligator.  All sorts of off the wall fares.  Each year, they come up with a gimmick food to offer.  Last year, it was a bug taco.  Not to be the one to try new things, I determined I was going to eat one of these for my family and church.  I knew that if I went ahead and forced one down, the cool factor would go up precipitously.  Waiting until we were all done for the day, my wife and her parents followed me out to this booth.  My father-in-law played it safe by getting snake on a stick.  But I stepped right up to the bug taco.  I knew a few things they did not.  For the most part, I knew it would taste a lot like sawdust.  Something I have accidentally tasted before.  And, they also had a variety of sauces.  Given enough sauce, you can pretty much drown out the taste of anything.  All I had to get through was the texture.  Sort of like eating fish scales.  It was an opportunity that would only come once.  So, I plunged right in!  Everyone was totally grossed out, but my stock in the cool club rose quite a bit.  The risk of getting sick was far outweighed by the ministry to others that would follow.

Opportunity is, by definition, time-sensitive.  As we see in the words spoken above, daylight is only so long.  Once the sun settles, the possible events of that day come to a close.  There are no instant-replays.  No chance to change the choices of the day because the day is gone.  Taking advantage of an opportunity may not result in success.  But not taking advantage of an opportunity guarantees failure.  There was a risk the Jews might take Jesus.  However, God is always in control.  Even over the risks.  If the LORD is in it, then regardless of the risks involved, an opportunity is open and it should be pursued.  Jesus was not going to go to Calvary until He was good and ready.  He was always in control of His circumstances.  We may not be in total control of our consequences, but God is.  There is a fine line between being too practical and living in fear.  Being responsible and taking risks is a balancing act.  We can be so practical that we talk ourselves right out of taking a risk by seizing and opportunity.  We live in interesting times.  Living by faith is not for the weak of heart.  At some point in time, if we are going to live by faith, there must by definition involve risk.  There is no way around it.  We cannot try to live a life with one hundred percent certainty all things will be safe and secure.  There must be an element of faith involved or our lives will account for very little before the LORD.

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