Sunday, October 25, 2020

Of Long-handles and Lights

 Let your loins be girded about, and your lights burning;” (Lu 12:35 AV)

The context of this statement is preparedness for the imminent return of our LORD and Savior, Jesus Christ.  To have the loins girded about is more than merely clothed.  To have the loins girded about means to be prepared for everything.  The loins were where the men would wear a girdle.  A girdle is not what we think of today.  A girdle was a heavy sash worn around the waist and loins to which weapons or tools were fashioned.  It was the foundational garment that kept all other garments secure and in the right place.  To have the lights burning meant to leave lights on to be ready to tend to the master’s needs or desires.  The idea here is simple.  Jesus is telling his disciples to be prepared to serve at a drop’s notice because He could return at any moment to gather His bride home.  He is instructing His sheep to always be ready for the coming of their Shepherd because He is ready to return at any moment.

Hunting as much as I did, you learn to be prepared at the drop of a hat.  Fishing with my father-in-law meant that when you smelled coffee brewing, it was time to get going and get in the truck.  No time for dilly-dallying.  My son and I would hunt the hills of Bristol often.  At the base of those hills lay my father-in-law’s home.  A log cabin in the woods.  What a wonderful place.  When Larry was in on the hunting experience, you didn’t lay around.  Zack and I would often fall asleep the night before with our bedroom light on and asleep in our long underwear ready to throw clothes on and jump into our boots.  Our flashlights were checked the night before.  All our gear was laid out in the basement.  It would take less than ten minutes from bed to atv.  When Larry had a fishing trip planned, he was in the truck before our eyes fully opened.  We had the sandwiches made, the tackle in the boat, and the coffee in the thermos before the engine was even warm.  If we tarried, Larry got really impatient.  He didn’t tolerate slow-pokes well.  There was a plan and that plan had to get executed.  On-time, if not early! Needless to say, I spent a lot of early mornings in the boat or tree stand snoring away.  The night before saw little rest in anticipation of the events of the morning.  We had our loins gird about and the lights burning.  You never knew when Larry was going to rise and head for the truck.

The verse above really spoke to me this morning.  I know we talk about the LORD’s return often.  Not as often as past generations have spoken of it.  That is one of the reasons I think it might be closer than we think.  By and large, the people of God are not looking for it.  Not like we did back in the eighties.  Prophecy was usually a constant fare in our church services.  Books abounded on the coming of Christ.  Now, our time is more occupied by themes of survival as though our common experience is the only thing we look forward to.  A lack of joy is a common thread in our worship.  We think that which we are suffering will be a permanent fixture for the rest of our lives.  We are not living in the light of eternity.  We are living in the darkness of the present.  In our house, we have two lights we keep on all the time.  There is the one at the top of the stairs.  This stays on so that we do not fall down the steps.  The other is at the bottom of the stairs in a little alcove.  This, too, is for safety.  However, the one at the bottom of the stairs means a little more than that.  It is a cute little corner with some homey touches added to the space.  It is a reminder of the emotional comfort that home brings.  It is there as a source of contentment.  The burning light is a symbol of the hope which we carry day in and day out.  Jesus is coming back!  Of that, there is no doubt.  He is coming back really soon.  It would be a shame if we were snuggled in our beds with the lights out, blocking all hope and joyful anticipation, thinking we are sad victims of a cruel world.  Put on those long-handles.  Keep that light on.  Jesus is coming back and it might just be sooner than we think!

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