Wednesday, August 12, 2020

They Rejoice At Your Fall

Then they shall answer, Because they have forsaken the covenant of the LORD their God, and worshipped other gods, and served them.” (Jer 22:9 AV)

It is both horrific and ironic that the ones who lead Israel into compromise are the same ones who understand exactly what happened to them.  Those who are speaking above are the neighbors of Israel that led them into compromise.  These neighboring nations enticed Israel into idol worship and immorality.  These were non-believers.  These were people who claimed they didn’t worship the God of Israel and worshiped other gods.  They claimed (although, apparently not true) they didn’t believe in the God of Israel.  Looking above, they most certainly did believe in the existence of the God of Israel.  What they refused to do is submit to Him.  This is exactly the case from the time of Adam and Eve until now.  John tells us that Jesus Christ is the light that lights every man that comes into this world.  This means, everyone has an intuitive knowledge of the existence of the One true God.  Denying it doesn’t make it so.  Someone who is lost is under the condemnation and wrath of God.  They refuse to submit to Him by repentance from sin and trust in Jesus Christ.  From the verse above, we see those who would reject God also know the people of God suffer because of their disobedience towards Him.

Have you ever noticed that kid you went to school with who seemed to get away with murder?  That no-good kid who was so smart, he could out whit the teachers.  This kind of kid wasn’t usually one of the popular ones.  He wasn’t usually one of the outwardly rebellious ones.  He was the kind of kid who was really smart and talented at strategic thinking.  He was the one who didn’t have a whole lot of friends, but rather, he made friends of the easily manipulated.  He, or she, would be the one who would set up others to take the fall while he walked away scot-free.  There was such a person in my class.  No matter where I went to school, and I went to a few, there was always the one person who fits this description.  After being burned once, you learn real quick not to make friends with a person like this.  I was fortunate.  Even though these guys tried to make victims out of me, I never took the bate.  Not so true with my other classmates.  There was on fella in particular.  He will remain nameless.  He was susceptible to this allurement all the time.  He was rejected by the ‘in’ crowd.  He didn’t fit in with the nerds, either.  He would be the toady for a master manipulator and suffer the consequences more deserving of his boss.  His master knew that eventually, he would get caught.  He didn’t refuse to believe in the existence of the teacher or her ability to inflict justice.  He simply knew how to get around it for a very long time.  The way he figured it, he was going to eventually get caught, so his pleasure was seeing others take the fall because he eventually will, too.

The world is a cruel place.  The child of God must understand this.  They are doomed.  And they know it.  So, the only pleasure they can derive from their fatal condition is to see the fall of those who will not suffer as they will.  This is satanic.  It is right out of Revelation chapter twelve.  Being eternally removed from access to heaven, and knowing his days are numbered, the Devil turns his attention to what God loves in an attempt to destroy it.  Pure contempt on his part.  Learn this lesson.  The world does not care about you.  In fact, they take pleasure in your failure.  They use the excuse they do not believe in God and therefore not accountable to Him.  They believe stating a position of unbelief grants them the liberty to do as they please.  However, when the child of God is chastened, they clearly state their belief in the existence of God.  So, the enticement to walk after them is wicked to the deepest degree.  It may seem innocent.  It may seem as though the world is simply blind to God’s existence and therefore, we can cut them a little slack.  Have compassion on them and try to reach them; absolutely.  But we cannot let our guard down and think for a moment their enticements are based on ignorance of God.  They certainly are not.

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