Thursday, August 6, 2020

Slumbering Eyes are Blind Eyes

Give not sleep to thine eyes, nor slumber to thine eyelids. Deliver thyself as a roe from the hand of the hunter, and as a bird from the hand of the fowler.” (Pr 6:4-5 AV)


Solomon is not saying that sleep is a bad thing.  Sleep is necessary.  Otherwise, we would collapse.  We have to take verse four in the context of verse five.  That is, when there is an evident threat, it is not wise to seek rest.  The priority here is deliverance from the hand of the hunter and fowler.  Note also the words which the Spirit dictated to Solomon.  Note the word ‘give’.  The eyes and eyelids demand sleep.  They seek it.  They require it.  They demand rest comes to the body and mind.  They droop heavily in an attempt for the will to surrender to their need.  Yet, the Spirit says not to give it.  Sleep is a matter of the will.  At least initially.  When trouble is near and rest would deprive one of escape, don’t give in.  Another way of looking at this apathy.  Apathy says of trouble, it does not need to be handled right now.  Apathy says of danger, it is not really all that dangerous.  Apathy does not allow for full attention to be paid to a situation that requires it.  Spiritual sleep ignores threats or temptations to sin.  Apathy is the tool that lulls the saint into a false sense of security and often finds itself at the mercy of circumstances.

Working the graveyard shift is not an easy thing to do.  I did as much while working at a factory.  There were enough dangerous situations lurking around every corner.  We worked with very heavy manufacturing equipment.  We worked around serious temperatures.  If the laborer was tired and not at full alert, he could hazard his health and even his life.  Our factory took great pains to provide a safe work environment.  There were many redundant safeguards in place.  The graveyard shift had higher than average incidents of workplace injuries.  This is understandable.  We are not built to be awake in the middle of the night.  Our bodies produce a hormone called melatonin which floods our system when the sun goes down and dissipates just before sunrise.  The LORD gave us this hormone as a way to help us sleep.  To adjust to working when your body wants to sleep us a near to impossible task.  Even in my own experience, there were times I had to take “special forces naps” to get through a night.  That is where you close your eyes for five minutes at regular intervals so you are awake for the better part of the night.  An internal clock would wake me out of light slumber because I had people and machines to watch.

Paul said, “And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.” (Ro 13:11 AV)  There are so many dangers for the child of God and we are lulled to sleep by the idea things will always get better.  They will not.  The lost sinner is lulled to sleep by the belief he has time and is in no real danger.  Not true.  We believe the absence of consequences means we are fine, not realizing our predator is just out of eyesight and can be on un in an instant.  The fowler would release his eagle or hawk.  This predator would fly extremely high and use the sun and a backdrop.  The brightness of the sun and the height of his distance put the prey at ease.  In an instant, that hawk or eagle can swoop down and grab that little dove right out of the air.  This is how close we are to danger.  The predator takes no prisoners nor cares one bit what happens to his prey.  Now is not the time for rest.  That will come in eternity.  Now is the time to “watch and pray lest you fall into temptation.”

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