Saturday, August 1, 2020

Pray For The Return of Christ

Oh that thou wouldest rend the heavens, that thou wouldest come down, that the mountains might flow down at thy presence,” (Isa 64:1 AV)

This ought to be the heart’s desire of every child of God.  If not, our hearts are too much in the things of this world.  Paul tells us there is a crown for those who look for the appearing of the LORD Jesus Christ.  “Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.” (2Ti 4:8 AV)  Paul writes to Titus, “Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” (Titus 2:13 AV)  We can balance this with the angel’s words in Acts chapter one.  When Jesus ascended into heaven they were asked, “Why gaze ye up?”  The Angel then told these men the LORD would return ins like manner as they saw him ascend.  I have heard many a younger generation laments that those of us who are older, or ancient, see more and more the signs of Christ’s return.  We anticipate His return.  Perhaps in our lifetime.  The argument has been made this same assertion has been made since the first-century church.  This may or may not be true.  But one thing is for sure.  Each day brings us one day closer to the LORD’s return.  We are two thousand years closer to the LORD’s return than when He came as a babe in a manger.  Being two thousand years closer, one cannot help but look for the coming of Christ while at the same time being busy about the LORD’s business.

I don’t have an experience from which to draw the above emotion.  I don’t have a human relationship that was separated by time and distance to the point I yearned for a return.  Other than dear friends and loved ones who have passed away, I cannot think of another example of what the prophet feels.  At least in a human relationship.  Maybe it ought to be that way.  I fell what the prophet feels here.  Every day and night I pray the clouds to rend and Christ descends for His bride, the church.  My heart aches for the start of eternity.  It pines for the presence of my LORD and Savior as we enjoy the glory of His presence.  I know I will have to endure a confrontation of all the ways in which I failed to do my best for Him.  As the judgment seat of Christ reveals how little I have done for Him, there will be tears of regret of which I rightly deserve.  When that uncomfortable moment passes, then comes an eternity of nothing but peace, joy, and glory in the presence of our great and wonderful God!  The things of this earth will pass away.  All that our hearts care about in this life will not even be a memory.  We will not care for a house, health, purpose, or relationships.  All those things, be they right or wrong, which keep our eyes on this life will all be done away in eternity.  Those whom we love and have trusted only in the offering of Christ at Calvary will be with us never to be separated again.

For me, I have had enough.  I have and enough of the fearful projecting their fear on those of faith.  It is a necessary thing, I understand.  We will have to acquiesce to reach them with the gospel of Christ.  But it is tedious at best.  I am sick and tired of those who rebel against authority for no other reason than to replace authority with themselves.   This is about revolution.  Not just revolution against what is perceived as flawed humanity, but against God Himself.  I am tired of the God-haters who manipulate the people of this world into rejecting that which can bring them peace and joy.  I am tired of the master-mind of this world who has the vast majority of world leaders in his grip to bring about a one-world society that reflects hatred for the Creator.  I am tired of the flaunting of perverseness and trying to pass it off as normal.  Not even animals do what the perverted do.  Those who think they have the moral high ground when it comes to social issues and attack God people for not caring are becoming a bore.  They miss quote the bible (they don’t even use the right one) and take it completely out of context to try to condemn those of us who have read and studied it all our lives.  They cannot see the irony of denying God’s authority yet using His word to attack Him and His people.  For me, it is quickly becoming too much.  That is why I desire the LORD’s return.  He cannot come too quickly!

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