Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Still Working

For God is my King of old, working salvation in the midst of the earth.” (Ps 74:12 AV)

 According to my reading schedule, the psalm was written during the fall of Judah.  It is suggested the writer is reflecting on the return of Judah and Israel to Palestine.  This verse is a verse of encouragement.  There are no profound thoughts here.  There are no new nuggets from which to glean.  The writer makes a point of saying that God is his King of old.  He makes a point that God has always been his King for as far back as he can remember.  Present circumstances do not change that.  Then, he defines the attribute of God that makes Him king.  That is, providing salvation amid the earth.  There are other ways in which a king might manifest his power and authority.  He is able to administer the law.  He requires obeisance.  A king builds and prospers.  A king protects from enemy threats.  A king does much to prove that he is king.  The one aspect of our King of kings is that he works salvation amid the earth.  Not merely provides for it.  Rather, He works it.

I don’t know if you have ever seen this in your town or city, but it is a frequent sight in some larger ones.  Several months back, I was traveling through Chicago.  If you have ever traveled through the city, you understand the speed limit is just a suggestion.  If the city of Chicago or the state of Illinois could take pictures of each license plate that went through its borders and fined them for speeding, they could cancel all income taxes.  So, seeing a law enforcement vehicle is not as common as one would think.  I was traveling west and behind me, I saw a vehicle with lights on top, in the grill, and the shape of a law enforcement vehicle.  It was traveling on the shoulder.  Typically, when in pursuit, this is what a law enforcement vehicle might do.  Having an overly active conscience, of the tens of thousands of cars in front and behind me, I thought he was after me.  Slowing down to the speed limit, the car came closer and closer.  Then I saw a car pulled off in the shoulder.  Immediately, I knew I was free.  This vehicle passed me and it was then I realized what it was.  There is a service that curses the interstate and assists vehicles in distress.  One might call it road-side assistance.  Their whole function is to listen for and look for vehicles in distress to give them gas, coolant, or fix a minor problem that would quickly get them back on the road and alleviate a traffic jam.  They cruse the highways working salvation where and when they see a need.

We often think of salvation in terms of eternal salvation.  We often think of the salvation of God as a one-time occurrence.  When it comes to our sin issue being eternally resolved, it is.  But God works all sorts of salvation.  Not just from sin and death.  He saves from all sorts of predicaments.  A good king will know the state of his citizenry.  He will allow them to fend for themselves.  Up and until their needs meet their ability.  Then he steps in and solves the issues.  We often forget how much God does for us.  We assume things happen on their own.  Just this morning, an angel unawares worked with the timing of my dog to find something very valuable that my wife had lost.  The entire event was designed by the miraculous hand of God.  Otherwise, we may have hazarded our belongings and even our lives.  But, God is working salvation amid all the earth.  All we must do is open our eyes and look for it.

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