Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Praise No Matter What

O sing unto the LORD a new song: sing unto the LORD, all the earth. Sing unto the LORD, bless his name; shew forth his salvation from day to day. Declare his glory among the heathen, his wonders among all people. For the LORD is great, and greatly to be praised: he is to be feared above all gods.” (Ps 96:1-4 AV)

What more could be said?  Our Creator God is worthy of all praise.  Not just when things are going well.  But always!  This psalm has no title nor author attributed to it.  It is similar to the psalm of David recorded in 1Ch 16:7.  That psalm was written in celebration of the ark coming to rest in Jerusalem after it had been taken by the Philistines and held up because of the breach of Uzzah.  When David realized it was the method of transporting the ark and nothing in addition to it, he was overjoyed it was something he could fix.  He ordered the ark to be moved in due order.  The priests transported the ark as required under Mosaic law.  They offered sacrifices every six paces.  They had a modest celebration as the ark came back to its rightful place.  When I read this passage this morning, I could not help but hear the Spirit affirm to my heart that we owe the LORD praise no matter the circumstances.  His salvation is day to day.  Every day we are being saved from something.  Even if our lives take a turn for the worse, eternity is right around the corner!  Praise His name for the assurance of salvation!

On Monday, I had my annual physical.  Or, at least that which we could accomplish over the phone.  It was interesting, to say the least.  I like my doctor.  I really do.  But some of the questions he was asking bordered on mental health and not physical health.  He was fishing for responses that might indicate depression.  The think, I assume, among health professionals is our stay-at-home orders are contributing to feelings of sadness or depression.  He asked if I was keeping myself busy with hobbies of any kind.  He was concerned that I exercise my mind so as to not allow it to wonder where it shouldn’t.  He followed that up with a question of anxiety or fear.  Did the constant reporting on the Wuhan Flu make me anxious regarding sickness or death?  I was able to share with him I have no fear of death.  I know where I am going when I die and death is a welcomed event.  The means of getting there might not be fun.  But I know what eternity holds for me because of the death of my Savior.  No worries here.  My poor doctor didn’t get it.  He thought I was referring to the pain associated with death as a greater fear than death itself.  Not so!  Salvation draweth nigh!

The trouble we see is only temporary.  Now the media is trying to scare us into thinking there will be a great meat shortage.  There might be.  But when this is all over there will be cows born, chickens hatched, and pigs delivered.  There will be Wendy’s hamburgers again!  Once we reach herd immunity or a vaccine is provided, this trouble will cease.  Sure, killer wasps are entering from Asia which will threaten the honey bee population.  But mankind will invent something that will pollinate our plants in spite of the shortage of honey bees.  If it already hasn’t been invented, that is.  In short, the LORD is our salvation!  If anything has thought us of God’s grace is that no disaster is permanent.  That is, until the tribulation period.  After the LORD reigns for 1,000 years, then all of creation will be destroyed.  It will be recreated in righteousness and true holiness.  For those who know Christ, hope is all we need!  It is what we have.  It cannot be taken from us!

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