Saturday, May 9, 2020

A Crown of Scorn

If thou be wise, thou shalt be wise for thyself: but if thou scornest, thou alone shalt bear it.” (Pr 9:12 AV)

This is a very interesting verse.  It is so because of the little word ‘…but…’.  At first glance, it appears as though the two halves of the verse are in opposition to one another.  That is, in the sense of the effects of wisdom verses scorning.  However, in both cases, whether wisdom or scorning, it comes back on the individual.  So, there is confusion over this verse.  Most commentators like to sight a corrupt source as an alternative rendering of the passage.  However, being a true Bible believer, that is not an option.  The word of God is perfect.  There are no mistakes.  So, what is the writer trying to convey here?  Looking at the limited Hebrew definitions doesn’t help much.  Strong’s numbers aren’t all that helpful.  Perhaps, as always, context is the key.  The key is in the preceding two verses.  In verse ten, the word of God tells us that the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom.  Verse eleven expounds the truth that wisdom will add years to a long life.  Then we have verse twelve.  So, being wise for thyself is length of days added to one's life.  Bearing the consequences of scorning is a shortened life.  The word ‘…but…’ is a contradiction between length of life.  It is not a contradiction between the object of long life verses short life.  Having straightened that out, let us consider an application.

There was a saying we used quite frequently when our childhood bullies decided our misery was their pleasure.  “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”  We prayed they wouldn’t put that to the test!  We hope they wouldn’t find sticks and stones to make sure we were correct.  LOL  The saying is so true.  The scorner will alone bear the consequences of his scorning.  As someone who lived in a lifetime of bullies, I can say this is entirely true.  I know that I have reminisced of the times of my childhood and early adult life when a verbal assault was the fare of the day.  It happened almost daily.  Today, we teach our young people to cower in the face of bullies.  We instruct our children to cry, victim.  Sometimes this is necessary.  Don’t get me wrong.  But what we do if we cry victim every time we are persecuted is we fail to take advantage of an opportunity to grow strong.  We cannot grow strong unless we are willing to face adversity.  One of the comforts of being bullied was that I always knew, in the long run, the scorner was going to get his.  It wouldn’t be from me.  It would be from some other source.  Even if they didn’t immediately pay the price, they would in the long run.  Lack of friends, no joy of life, etc all work to force the scorner to live with the consequences of his scorning.

Jesus tells us that no man can take our joy.  If we lose our joy, it is because we have given it up.  I have lived a lifetime of this.  I know of what I speak.  My absolute faith the scorner will bear the fruit of his scorning all by himself is a satisfaction that I cannot even begin to explain.  I have seen it in ministry.  As a pastor, I have been the object of much scorn.  It really doesn’t bother me all that much because the scorner often brings upon himself the suffering he designed for me.  The most miserable of all is when we continue is joy and the scorner is puzzled by it.  He is miserable the more blessed we become.  He cannot explain it.  Been there, done that.  I have stories that would curl the hair on the back of your neck.  Professing believers whose life mission was to destroy the man of God in any way they felt justified.  All I can say is that God is good!  Onward we go, serving the LORD with a full heart, while they suffer on in their non-stop bitterness.  The scorner will bear it himself!  It is so true.

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