Saturday, May 2, 2020

It Will Be Perfect

For the upright shall dwell in the land, and the perfect shall remain in it. But the wicked shall be cut off from the earth, and the transgressors shall be rooted out of it.” (Pr 2:21-22 AV)

Do you know what this quarantine reminds me of?  There were several times in the history of the nation of Israel when their freedom to worship was severely restricted.  One was during the time of the Gentile captivity.  This is where we read of Daniel who prayed in his house and almost lost his life because of it.  I read this morning of a prominent leader in Evangelical Christian circles who lives in a state whose governor is explicitly targeting him and his ministry as a way of putting it out of business.  There are exceptions to the stay-at-home directive, but it is tailor-designed to put an undue burden on Christian ministries.  However, I read another article regarding a survey done by the Barna institute that reveals overall, the faith of the American religious population is maintaining and even growing.  This shut down is not affecting the people of God nearly as much as those who oppose it might have wished.  If anything, it just might be the thing of their nightmares.  The longer we are kept from assembling, the more we will want to.  The more we will want to, the more we will be faithful once it is re-instituted.  I don’t know why I shared that other than to say those who oppose the Son of God will not last.

The verses above speak of a time when the wickedness of mankind will be expunged from the earth.  Whether this speaks of the return of Christ or the recreation of Earth in righteousness, I don’t know.  But there will be a time when all sin is eradicated from the face of God’s creation.  One cannot help but notice ever-encroaching spiritual darkness descending upon the earth.  One can sense it.  Times have changed rapidly.  Sin is all around us.  It is out in the open.  It is flaunted.  It is proudly exalted to the heights of heaven as if a dare goes forth from all of mankind to the Creator of all.  A dare to do something about it.  The Bible reveals Lot as a man whose righteous soul was vexed by the wickedness of Sodom and Gomorrah.  It was so bad he didn’t even recognize it.  I feel the same is true of the church today.  We speak of the LORD’s return as eminent because we see the condition of the world around us.  Those who have been pilgrims for several decades cannot help but see the LORD’s return is soon.  Those who have not the experience of their elders see the world continuing as it always has.  Not so.  More and more the wicked have encroached on that which belongs to God.  The kingdom of heaven suffereth violence and the violent taketh it by force!

But there is a new day coming.  A day when the sun will rise clear and bright.  A day when those who love the LORD can exit their homes without fear of having sin slap them in the face.  They will not have to fear to engage in life.  They will not have to fear crime.  They will not have to shield their children from lewdness.  They will enjoy creation as the LORD intended Adam and Eve to enjoy it before it was marred by the sin of mankind.  There will be no spiritual darkness.  There will only be the light of God’s glory.  There is nothing that can stop it.  No quarantine, no perverted laws, no over-reaching politician.  No one can stop the return of Jesus Christ and the restoration of His kingdom to His will!  The wickedness of the world will cease and only righteousness will reign.  What a day that will be!

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