Friday, July 5, 2019

The Coming Government

Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a King shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth.” (Jer 23:5 AV)

As I age, I am taken aback by the lack of quality in human leadership.  This is not typical of one nation only.  Rather, it seems to be pandemic.  It doesn’t matter if the government is that of a banana republic, or one of an advanced and civilized culture.  It seems the closer we get to the end of days, the less maturity, humility, and genuine servitude is missing from our leadership.  We stand back and watch two and a half parties destroy one another for no other reason to gain control.  They use the people whom they govern for their own selfish ends.  These problems even infiltrate the body of Christ.  It is becoming an ever-increasing problem of zeal and ego over servitude.  The sheep are seen as chattel to meet the ambitions of a zealous opportunist whose goal is to gain a name.  Few are the servants whose heart is with the condition of the individual sheep and more on attaining some goal by the means which the sheep supply.   The promise above puts and end to all of this nonsense.

There is coming a day when the LORD will return.  He will set up His kingdom here on Earth and there will be no more need for human government.  IT reminds me of a classroom when the teacher steps out for a bit.  Or the playground without adult supervision.  A great number of injustices happen in these instances.  I know.  I received my lion’s share worth of it.  It is interesting to take note of the nature of human beings.  A school is a laboratory of it.  I remember my grade school and the way the administration broke up the population into different groups so that all of us were not in the playground all at the same time.  I remember distinctly sitting in a classroom while another group was out during recess.  I also remember those of us in the classroom gazed out the windows at those playing.  But in our heart of hearts, we were looking to see if a fight was going to break out.  Some secretly wished one would.  Watch other play was boring.  Watch two ruffians go at it was not.  That is our nature when no one of authority is watching over us.

Like the book Lord Of The Flies, it is our nature to do evil.  Only with the presence of the LORD Jesus Christ will this world be any better for it.  The promise of His return is a promise of justice.  The promise of His return is a promise of lasting peace.  The promise of His coming is a promise of paradise on earth which no wickedness can corrupt.  This promise above is one that gets us through this life.  It is a promise that tells us that as bad as the present is, the future is eternally brighter!  Done deal!

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