Sunday, July 14, 2019

Mic Drop

But when I speak with thee, I will open thy mouth, and thou shalt say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; He that heareth, let him hear; and he that forbeareth, let him forbear: for they are a rebellious house.” (Eze 3:27 AV)

Results are not the point of preaching or teaching the word of God.  It never has been.  Declaring the truth is the objective.  The prophet is told he will not see much fruit from his efforts.  But he is to preach anyway.  This was the same with Jeremiah.  Jeremiah had to adjust to this inevitable truth.  Ezekiel seemed to accept it from day one.  This kind of thinking does not permeate the pulpits of fundamental Baptist churches today.  We are results driven.  If people are not ‘getting saved, being baptized, and added to the church’ we see it as a failure.  If the numbers are not going up, then there must be a problem.  Our preaching reflects this.  We compromise or avoid the hard issues because results suffer.  The truth of the matter is, truth matters.

There is a cultural icon that has hit our mainstream that is depicted in a Verizon commercial.  The actor mentions a particular reason Verizon is the best and then drops the mic.  He attains another, states a Verizon strength, and drops the mic.  He does this until he runs out of mics.  The idea simple.  What has been stated is the ultimate that can be stated and nothing more can be added nor any argument against it succeed.  Mic drop.  In the case of Verizon, it is what it is.  No argument can be offered to counter their claims.  No dispute entertained.  If you still refuse to hire Verizon as your carrier, that is on you.  Mic drop.  If you want to pay a bit less but suffer from dropped calls, that is your choice.  Mic drop.  If you want to best coverage the world has to offer, there is no other place to look. Mic drop. You get the idea.

Truth of God’s word is the same.  God is an absolute.  His word does not change just because it is not adored.  God’s law does not change.  His character, nature, and decrees do not change.  He calls for righteousness from His creation and has provided the means to attain it.  If creation refuses the gift of salvation, they are destined to burn in the lake of fire.  Mic drop.  For the saints of God, they are expected to live in separated holiness.  If not, God will chasten the disobedient child.  Mic drop.  If the child of God lives by faith in God and His word, showing forth the glory of His righteousness, the LORD will bless.  Mic drop.  God is not changing.  We are the ones who must change.  Mic drop.  What we do with what God declares does not change what God declares!  Mic drop

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