Monday, July 1, 2019

Mourning Is Natural and Necessary

For the hurt of the daughter of my people am I hurt; I am black; astonishment hath taken hold on me. Is there no balm in Gilead; is there no physician there? why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered?” (Jer 8:21-22 AV)

These words are the prophet’s words.  The idea of blackness of face is one of mourning.  Either absent of the light of life, or, application of the ashes of mourning.  He asks a question that gives understanding to the cause of his mourning.  Not so much the condition of the sinfulness of his people, but rather, the cure is rejected.  There is a balm.  There is a physician.  Yet, the people will not be healed of their backsliding.

As a man of God, it is important to feel the troubles and trials of those to whom God as called us to minister.  Reading Jeremiah is good for the man of God.  In chapter five, the LORD tells Jeremiah that he will preach with no results.  The people will not harken.  They will not listen.  They will not repent of their sin and their lives will be irreversibly changed.  They will go off to captivity and the glory that once was Judah will be lost.  Trouble awaits them because they will not turn back to God.  The man of God can do two things.  He can preach, knowing there will be no results, and shield himself from emotional damage.  Or, he can allow the condition of the people to bother him.  Initially, Jeremiah did the later.  He mourned over the obstinate nature of his people.  He could see the result of the choices they made before these results came to be.  He knew the end from the beginning.  And, it bothered him.  However, this caused burnout.  Just a few chapters later, Jeremiah couldn’t do it anymore.  This didn’t last long as the fire of truth burned deep within his soul.  Effective ministry must allow for the sins of the people to bother the man of God.  He must allow his emotions to be stirred by the condition of which he finds the sheep.  He cannot allow himself to become calloused to the point he simply doesn’t care anymore.

This temptation is all too easy.  Every man of God goes through this cycle.  The Jeremiah cycle.  It’s not that the cease to care.  It is because they did care a lot and it got them nowhere.  The spent emotional energy in weeping and praying over their people, only to have things remain as they always were.  As a final word to those who are not called of God to preach and pastor:  If you want your preacher to last the duration, then respond to his ministry.  Know that he loves you and cares for you.  He is troubled at your condition.  But if you do not change, he will inoculate himself against further emotional damage and begin the process of calcification.  Keep him tender towards you be keeping yourself tender to the truth of the word of God.  Let him know his ministry is making a difference in your life and share those specifics.  Let him know of a particular choice you made because of a truth he shared.  It goes a long way in encouraging him to throw of the face of mourning and the astonishment of heart.

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