Saturday, July 6, 2019

Praise The LORD For Those Who Respect

Then said the princes and all the people unto the priests and to the prophets; This man is not worthy to die: for he hath spoken to us in the name of the LORD our God.” (Jer 26:16 AV)

Praise the LORD for people who still have a fear of the LORD even when they hear things they do not like to hear.  The context here is Jeremiah being confronted in the house of the LORD because the people did not like the message he was preaching.  He was encouraging the people to repent lest the kingdom of Babylon comes and takes them away.  The majority wanted the king to take Jeremiah and kill him.  Yet, a few stood up and protected the prophet.  There is a principle that the people of God do no harm to the man of God just because they do not like the message he is preaching.

The old testament did not protect the prophet no matter the circumstances.  He was held to a standard.  If his message did not come to pass, they he was to be stoned to death.  If he did not live a lifestyle required of the man of God, then he was not to be heeded.  But what the people could not do is to disrespect the man of God just because they do not like the truth he is bringing.  There is a certain fear that is required for certain status of life and society.  People are not perfect.  We know this.  But there are certain callings which people fulfill that requires a certain level of respect, despite their faults.  We taught our children there is no back-talking to adults.  Teachers are to be obeyed and respected.  If they are at fault, then Mom and Dad will handle it privately.  I law enforcement officer is to be respected.  They are to be heeded even if we think they are being unfair.  Complaints can be filed and lawsuits pursued at a later date.  Judges are to respected.  Umpires and officials at athletic contests are to be respected.  Even if they make a bad call.  When it comes to the man of God, this goes doubly so.  He is God’s mouthpiece.  These things are necessary for a relatively efficient and peaceful society.

Someone might argue this opens the door for abuse.  Yes, it does.  There are laws of society that assist in justice.  One thing to remember, God’s timing of justice is eternal.  He is not bound to right every wrong on this side of glory.  In fact, He often does not.  Persecution and injustice continue.  However, eternity is an awfully long time.  When God does deal with it, He will do so in a way that is permanent.  In the meantime, respect and honor should be given to those in positions of authority even if they are not perfect or we do not appreciate the truth.  Specially for the man of God who is only trying to serve both God and man for the benefit of both.

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