Thursday, July 4, 2019

For The Goodness Of God, Turn

If that nation, against whom I have pronounced, turn from their evil, I will repent of the evil that I thought to do unto them. And at what instant I shall speak concerning a nation, and concerning a kingdom, to build and to plant it; If it do evil in my sight, that it obey not my voice, then I will repent of the good, wherewith I said I would benefit them.” (Jer 18:8-10 AV)

Under our current government, our nation is experiencing a revival of sorts.  If we were to look strictly at economic growth and religious liberty, it would appear that God is once again smiling on our nation.  However, we need to remember we have a long way to go.  What is terrifying is to think of what might happen to this great nation of ours if the financial rug is pulled right out from under us.  True: the stock market has made historic gains.  True:  the unemployment situation is at an all time low.  True:  we now have more constitutional judges on federal benches and never before.  True: Christians feel they are beginning to have some protection at a time when they feel an ever-increasing attack from those who hate God.  All these events and more point to good news on the immediate horizon.  However, at the same time our great nation has made it legal to kill the unborn and the newly born at any and all stages of gestation and life.  We have legalized same-sex marriage.  We have opened the most private areas of our public lives to the intrusion of the sodomite.  We are on the verge of legalizing more and more substance abuse.  On the one hand, there are great strides back to what made the United States different from all other nations and brought upon her God’s blessings.  On the other, we have not learned the lessons of history and are careening towards the edge of a cliff.  The promise above was for Israel and can be for the United States as well.

At our core, we are still a Judao-Christian nation.  The MSM would have us believe it is the minority.  But we are not.  For all his faults, Jerry Falwell was right.  We are the silent majority.  At heart, we are still a nation that believes that God is real and worthy of worship.  Sure, the majority are still carnal.  But they, or we, have a foundation that other nations do not.  We are not secular.  No matter what the MSM wants us to believe, we are spiritual.  We have some values whose foundations are found in the word of God.  That is why poll after poll still reflects a majority belief that abortion, in some form, is still morally wrong.  That is why a recent poll has found that young people ages 18-34 have decreased their support for the LGBTQ lifestyle by 38%.  These things may have peaked.  Perhaps we are seeing a turn back towards those principles upon which the great nation was founded.

But we cannot quit.  Now is the time when the church needs to rise up!  Not for political gain.  Not for a single issue that happens to stir our passions.  Rather, we need to rise up and loudly proclaim the liberty that is in Christ!  All these issues will be solved if the hearts and minds our God founded nation turn back towards God.  Gone will be the sexual revolution that had produced an increase in numbers of murdering the unborn.  Gone will be the gender confusion as more and more souls find their acceptance in Christ rather than touting some gender identification that gains them affirmation and attention.  The gospel has always, and will always, be the answer for the trouble that ails mankind.  We need to turn back!  Turn back so that God can bless us again.

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