Sunday, July 7, 2019

Change In Never Impossible

Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for me?” (Jer 32:27 AV)

The context of this rhetorical question is the real beauty of it.  The context is the correction and restoration of Israel.  Several concerns enter the mind of the Judean captive as he goes into Babylon.  Will Babylon destroy Jerusalem beyond repair?  Will the land be farmable when they return, or will it be poisoned beyond fruitfulness?  Will the nation survive seventy years of captivity and enslavement so there might be a remnant who can return to rebuild?  All these worries are temporal ones.  The real concern is found a bit further in the passage.  The real concern is whether God can transform that surviving remnant into a people who will love the LORD and never backslide again!  That is the real concern.  Spiritual growth and change is the real goal here.  Not houses, lands, and name, health, or wealth.  That has always been the goal.  For saints who live the struggle of Romans chapter seven, we understand this!

The God of the impossible can change the hearts of men.  It is the most difficult of all miracles.  Feed five or seven thousand with a few loaves a fish manipulates inanimate objects.  Preparing a whale to swallow a bitter prophet is working with a creation that has no sense of self-determination.  Sending rain or cleaving a sea is working with forces of nature that cannot argue in return.  But, working with a being that has a will, a heart, and can act upon his desires is the greatest miracle of all.  It is the miracle which many of us fall far short of believing in the omnipotence of God.  It all starts with a desire.  If the child of God desires to walk with God, then God can work with that.  If the sinner desire to know God, God can work with that.  The world, the devil, and even the flesh is no match for an omnipotent God.  Even a nation that is stiff-necked and set in their rebellion still has hope if there is even the slightest flicker of hope they might respond to the grace of God.

We give up way too early on a God who can do all things.  Whether we are the one struggling, or there is someone else in mind, God has got this.  If we are honest, there are those we do not pray for as we should because we think there is nothing even God can do.  If we are not careful, we can succumb to the presumptuous sin because we have failed to conquer it after years of trying to get victory.  But God is greater than all this.  He is greater than our wicked desire and greater than our wills.  God has got this!  Honest.  He can change you and He can change another.  There is still hope as long as there is breath in the longs.  God can do this.  All we need to do is have faith and keep praying!

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