Saturday, February 16, 2019

Yeah, I Don't Think So

And it come to pass, when he heareth the words of this curse, that he bless himself in his heart, saying, I shall have peace, though I walk in the imagination of mine heart, to add drunkenness to thirst:” (De 29:19 AV)

The height of obstinacy is to believe one will not suffer the consequence of misery for one’s sin.  This hypothetical is a Hebrew citizen determining that he will enjoy his life and be at peace with it even though he is in direct disobedience to the laws of God.  One can do ahead and make that choice.  But it will only last for this lifetime.  Once eternity starts, there is no choice he can or will make that results in peace while in torments of a devil’s hell.

This verse describes perfectly the attitude of our present world.  They know that are in rebellion against God.  They are ok with the natural results of their sin.  What comes to mind is the tragic results sin is having on the most innocent of us all.  The most hideous being the murder of unborn or partially born human beings.  When a society does not protect the most vulnerable, it is on its way to complete hedonism.  This lack of concern and deliberate rebellion is spilled over into our young people as well.  Those who are in rebellion could not care less of the spiritual and emotional trauma sodomy and perversion causes our young people.  They are happy in their sin and at peace with the consequences.  I have had my share of funerals of those young people who have taken their own lives.  If there was never another, it would be great. Yet, they happen at a breakneck speed.  Those in the periphery who mourn the loss of an acquaintance, never give a thought to what drove them to do such a thing.  They are at peace with the decision of the deceased will those closest to him or her struggle with confusion, regret, and bitterness.  The tragedy that surrounds our species is celebrated.  It is seen as normal and acceptable.  We are at peace.

But there will come a time when there is no peace.  When the sodomite must suffer an eternal torment because he or she had never repented and placed their faith in Jesus, it won’t seem as so much fun anymore.  When the wicked are turned aside to suffer an eternity for choices of which they came to peace with, they will wish they made peace with God.  The Bible clearly and correctly states, there is no peace, saith my God, to the wicked.

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