Saturday, February 2, 2019

A Crusade, Not a Journey

And it came to pass, when the ark set forward, that Moses said, Rise up, LORD, and let thine enemies be scattered; and let them that hate thee flee before thee.” (Nu 10:35 AV)

Today’s popular buzz word in ‘church’ names or ministry descriptions is ‘journey’. It’s the adjective to describe what they see as the Christian experience.  So, we are on a journey?  From where?  To where?  How are we going to where we are going?  How are we going to get there?  Who decides when we make a turn?  Once we get there, then what?  Sshhh.  Be quiet!  Don’t ask such silly questions.  We are on a journey!  Don’t you understand.  We are on a faith journey.  GAG.  What they really mean is they are on an experience.  The better word to use is a cruise.  We have gotten on the good ship Lollipop and enjoying the ride that we believe is led by the Holy Spirit.  No real goals in mind.  No objective.  Simply to enjoy the journey.

 Note above that when the pillar of smoke or fire lifted off the tabernacle and the nation of Israel traveled, they had a distinct goal in mind.  VICTORY!  No victory over their own declared enemies like anxiety and self-indulgence.  Rather, victory over the enemies of God!  Not our enemies.  God’s enemies!  Moses saw the lifting of the pillars and the leading of the LORD as an opportunity to serve and to fight.  Not to have our narcissistic, self-centered, fearful self be taken care of.  A few weeks after my home church baptized me by immersion, they encouraged me to enroll in a home discipleship ministry.  It was there I learned the believer has three enemies.  We have the world, the devil, and the flesh.  These enemies are a constant threat to the well being and maturity of the believer.  However, we were taught these three enemies hindered or primary goal in life.  That primary goal in our ‘journey’ was to bring glory to our Savior and LORD, Jesus Christ.  This meant we were to read and learn the statutes and principles of the word of God, seeking the power of the Holy Spirit, to defeat failure in our walk for God’s glory.  We are not on a cruise.  Our walk with God is not a journey.  It is a battle!

What is alarming is the statistics of cultures vices are not all that different inside or outside of the so called ‘church’.  The reason is we are on a journey.  We are not in a battle.  We are on a cruise and seeking our needs to be met by the steward of our ship and the waitstaff assigned to meet our needs.  If the ship gets a bit tossed in the waves, we panic and assault the captain of the ship to make it stop.  Our journey is all about having roses to stop and smell.  Not the true believer.  Keep the boarding pass.  We are on the battle field.  But God’s grace and power of the Holy Spirit, we will get our licks in.  The old devil, the world, and the flesh will feel a strike from the sword of God.  The word of God will be sure to make its presence known.  Get off the good ship lollipop and your self-centered journey and get in the battle for the LORD Jesus Christ.

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