Tuesday, February 5, 2019

God Does Not Change

God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?” (Nu 23:19 AV)

This verse has been over used in the debate of God’s sovereignty compared with the free will of mankind.  It is not our intent to debate this issue.  We must stay within context of the statement above.  The context is the king of Moab’s desire for the prophet of God to curse the nation of Israel.  Balak is seeking the magical curse of Balaam upon Israel because he feels threatened by Israel’s shear numbers.  Balak understands that if God curses them, then Moab is safe.  There are two errors in his judgement.  The first is that Israel is a physical threat to Moab to begin with.  They are not.  The second is that God can curse Israel to begin with.  That is what we want to consider this morning.

Yesterday, we considered the fact that God does not save to destroy.  God is not out to get you.  He is not a tyrant who takes pleasure in the torture of a creation whom He loves.  The hardships one faces are meant for our cleansing or maturity.  They are not meant to reduce us to ashes.  This passage is a good follow-up.  God is a God of honor and character.  If He promised something, then He will do it.  His covenants cannot be altered.  Even though the character of Israel is mentioned in this passage, it is not the foundation of the covenant God made with their ancestors.  The covenant God made with Abraham is unconditional.  God cannot go back on His word.  If He has stated something, then it is binding.  It cannot be canceled.  Balaam could no more curse Israel than he could change the course of the sun.

This truth of God’s unalterable righteousness and purpose is the foundation of our faith.  If God is not absolute and His word equally so, then there cannot be any faith.  We plan our lives around things that are predictable.  The sun comes up.  Gravity is absolute.  Math doesn’t change. Etc.  Without these absolutes, life could not exist.  If God is not a God of His word, then creation cannot exist.  God does not change.  Period.  It is that truth that brings security and comfort to God’s people.  No matter what the world believes or Satan attempts to prove, it doesn’t matter.  God is God and there is nothing that can change Him!

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