Saturday, February 9, 2019

No Go Zones

Meddle not with them; for I will not give you of their land, no, not so much as a foot breadth; because I have given mount Seir unto Esau for a possession.” (De 2:5 AV)

There are fights in which we should engage.  Others are better left alone.  Our battle is a spiritual one.  Not a physical one.  There are areas of domain which the church has not been given.  There are places and things which do not belong to the church of God.  These should be left alone.  In our passage, Israel is passing through the east side of their eventual kingdom.  This is the portion given to the two-and-a-half tribes who didn’t want to settle on the west side of Jordan.  Mount Seir, which was given to he descendants of Esau was off limits territory for the Jewish settlement.  Seeing as how they were common descendants through Isaac, Israel was to dwell peaceably as their neighbor.  But they were not allowed to engage in battle for the territory of Mount Seir.  It wasn’t theirs.

The church should be careful that it doesn’t involve itself in matters that do not belong to it.  It is one thing to try to influence other interests for the glory of God.  Quite another to seek to control it.  This is a balance that is sometimes difficult to determine.  I will give an example.  Years ago, I was asked to serve in a chaplaincy department of a local hospital.  This chaplaincy department consisted of all different sorts of faiths.  There was some real soul searching as the LORD led me on the choice of involvement.  I could just see my independent Baptist brethren as they erroneously believed I had compromised.  I didn’t.  I held to my convictions and would not allow the chaplaincy department place on my any expectations or restrictions that would violate my conscience.  I will pray in Jesus name whether accepted or not.  I will not to a baby baptism no matter how much the parents of the patient want it.  I will not administer the LORD’s supper to a none-member of an independent Baptist church.  If asked for advice, I will use only the KJV.  However, I was asked to volunteer in this department for responsibilities that would jeopardize my convictions.  Sorry, no can do.  A non-denominational chaplaincy ministry is not something a separated Baptist should control.

There are many such ministries or opportunities that avail themselves to the Bible believer.  One must ask “is that my inheritance?  Does that area of opportunity belong to the Bible-believer?”  I have seen too many professing Christians ‘think outside the box’ and involve themselves too deeply in things they ought not.  That is not ours.  We may buy water or temporary needs as Israel was allowed.  But it is not ours.

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