Friday, February 1, 2019

All for One

And when Moses was gone into the tabernacle of the congregation to speak with him, then he heard the voice of one speaking unto him from off the mercy seat that was upon the ark of testimony, from between the two cherubims: and he spake unto him.” (Nu 7:89 AV)

This statement follows what some might consider one of the ‘boring’ chapters of the Bible.  Chapter seven is a list of all the heads of each tribe and the required offering given to the tabernacle.  Each offering is worded exactly the same.  The amounts and items given are identical.  The only item that changes are the names associated with each offering.  Again, some might consider this redundant and ‘boring’.  However, the word of God is neither.  There are a number of applications which could be made.  The first is that when it comes to being right with God, the standard doesn’t change.  It matters not who we are or the ability or resources we have.  When God says to so something, then we do it.  But there is another application we can make here that is specific to the verse above.  That is, God does not speak to the leader unless all his leadership is also right with God.

There is a church of which I am casually familiar that has been looking for a pastor for at least five or six years.  When one researches this church, he will find it was started by an individual who was part of leadership of another church, yet was removed.  The circumstances are quite vague and I am in no position to judge whether this individual or the disciplining church is in the right.  However, I am inclined to favor the authority here and lean slightly towards the church.  What I found interesting is a young man I knew contacted this individual’s church as a possible candidate.  He found their standards didn’t match so he didn’t pursue it further.  On reflecting more of this church, I asked this fella if he happened to talk to the individual who had started this work after being disciplined from his former church.  The fella said he was the contact for this opening.  To which I remarked, “I wonder if you asked him this question, how he would respond?  Sir, from what I have read on social media and with contacts of other churches who are familiar with your situation, it seems to me that you might be the reason your church cannot find a pastor.  Even if you are in the right, would you be willing to leave your church if it means they might be able to find a pastor?”  My gut tells me probably not.  It does point to a principle, though.  If leadership is the reason God is not leading, one wonders if leadership is willing to get right with God!

There are pastors who struggle with vision.  They do not know why God is silent.  They have checked themselves.  They have striven to keep short accounts with God.  Yet, God is silent.  He may try one thing after another and nothing seems to work.  When there is an idea that pops into his heart, the LORD says ‘No’.  It seems like there is a dead end no matter what road he tries.  He may not even know why.  Perhaps it is because the leadership he is endowed with has issues which they refuse to change.  It could be there is more sin in the camp of which he is unaware.  If we are in the blessed position of leadership in our churches, the man of God depends upon you to be right with God.  God may not speak to him because we are not what we should be.

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