Thursday, February 14, 2019

Distinct Purpose Requires Distinct Appearance

The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.” (De 22:5 AV)

When we speak and teach of dress standards, we seldom consider the entire context of the above verse.  What we need to notice is that separation of kind also means separation of purpose or function.  In the context of this verse, we find the requirement to separate other things as well.  There is the separation of a mothering creature as meat verses a non-mothering creature.  There is the separation of a rooftop and other floors of a house.  The roof top is to be secure.  There is the separation of different seed.  Each has its own purpose.  There is the separation of an ox and ass.  Both serve a different purpose.  There is the separation of different clothing material.  Wool is used for colder climates wherein linen is used for warmer applications.  Considering the verse above, it does not say a woman cannot wear the cloths of a man.  The word of God says that which pertains to a man.  This would include garments but are not limited to garments.

God created things different and distinct.  I love watching nature shows.  The balance and interdependence of creation is a testament to the wonder of God’s wisdom.  Each creature fulfills a unique purpose in the system in which it finds itself.  There is no other creature that can fill that purpose.  On one such show regarding hunters and prey, it astounded me how many animals are singly focused on a particular prey.  It is all they eat.  There are other animals who serve a purpose that is not exclusive to their survival, but it is to another species.  Regardless, God has created all things with a distinct and unique purpose.  Their appearance aids in that purpose.  Whether it is a fish that looks like a rock or a bird that attracts a mate, their appearance serves a purpose.  Some creatures are camouflaged.  Some have the appearance of a larger animal so as to scare off a predator.  Their appearance serves a purpose.

The reason why we have a problem with distinct dress standards for distinct genders is our pursuit of the unisex generation.  Breaking down the bounds of gender specifics has now come to its natural conclusion.  There are no genders.  All are gender fluid.  This is what happens when we do not honor the design of gender specific purpose in family and society.  It is not just about dresses verses slacks or boots verses clogs.  This is not merely about hair length.  It is about God’s design for gender specific roles.  When we do not embrace the wonder of how and why God created us, then we will refuse to appear in the manner in which God intended.

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