Tuesday, July 17, 2018

What I Our Name?

“It was round about eighteen thousand measures: and the name of the city from that day shall be, The LORD is there.” (Eze 48:35 AV)

There is no such city today.  Unfortunately, even Jerusalem itself with its gay pride marches, can no longer be called “The LORD is there.”  There is no such city wherein the LORD is the very definition for its existence.  Rome may claim such a title, but with her religion of works, she is a harlot.  A pretender who claims to represent God, but rather, represents the pride of man’s religious accomplishments.  There is no city which lives completely by the righteous laws of God.  There is no city purged of the filth of man.  But there will be!

Imagine, if you will, a city with no bars, no theaters showing entertainment contrary to the glory of God, no clubs in direct rebellion against ungodly truths.  No drug stores selling immorality, no liquor stores pushing their poison.  No drug dealers on the corner captivating weak souls into a trap of no escape.  No crime.  No jails.  No strife.  No police force.  A place where worship of the LORD is the number one activity.  The only music other than what the LORD provides in nature is the sweet sound of the psalms.  No man centered music that makes a mockery of a holy God by its over-beats, stirring listeners to a physical response while negating a spiritual experience.  No more immodest dress designed to entice our fellow man to impure thoughts.  No more dishonor of the word of God by questioning its reliability and purity.  No more blatant sin allowed within its walls.  The LORD Jesus Christ, King of kings will assure this.  But wait.  Have we digressed from the condition of the world to the condition of the average “Christian” church?

I fear that even today; our churches are in such states of disrepair that the name of our churches could not even have the honor of “The LORD is there.”  With the flesh winning out over the spirit, our churches are sickened with the wickedness of the world and no longer to the people of God live soberly in this wicked world.  Jesus must come back soon!  For the LORD must be there!

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