Saturday, July 28, 2018

Blind Tragedy

“Now also many nations are gathered against thee, that say, Let her be defiled, and let our eye look upon Zion. But they know not the thoughts of the LORD, neither understand they his counsel: for he shall gather them as the sheaves into the floor.” (Mic 4:11-12 AV)

Every once in a while, I get the impression those who cover the news don’t have a clue as to what the future holds.  They report all the tragedy in the world as though it s normal.  They report the mass shootings, natural disasters, and armed conflict as thought these things are temporary.  They truly believe these things are not all that bad and given the right set of laws or correct leadership, they will all go away.  Knowledge, technology, science, and bureaucracy, are their answers.  They do not have a clue that within their generation, or a few from now, the LORD will return with vengeance upon a world that spat upon offering for salvation.  They will march against Israel not truly understanding the love God has for His people.  They march on, ignoring the clear revelation of the Word of God concerning their future.  It is rather sad.

Three schoolmates became good friends and their time at a frontier one room school house was greatly wasted.  They made a pact they wouldn’t waste their time learning how to read.  They would go off to school as instructed by their parents but would retreat to the local pond for an afternoon of fishing, telling their teacher they had to return for farming chores.  No one caught on until it was too late.  These three young men never learned how to read.  They never cared to.  One day, they discovered an abandoned mine.  Clearly posted on the front entrance was a date when the mine would be decommissioned.  In they went.  They planned to spend a weekend and make an adventure of it.  The tragedy that followed could have been easily avoided had they cared enough to learn how to read.

Such is the case of the world.  They will perish, not for a lack of information.  They will perish for a lack of caring enough to find out.  The word of God is readily available.  There are more churches in the world than there every has been in the history of the world.  With the internet, the truth of God’s word is available more than ever before.  They will perish because the choose not to know.

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