Monday, July 30, 2018

Free From The Yoke

“For now will I break his yoke from off thee, and will burst thy bonds in sunder.” (Na 1:13 AV)

The LORD created within us a yearning to be free.  Unfortunately, our nature desires to be free from the wrong thing or things.  The context above is a promise to Israel that Assyria would be dealt with and Israel would be free from all the influence this wicked kingdom brought upon her.  Not just financial or physical bondage, but spiritual as well.  The idols of pagan worship will be destroyed.  The corrupt and immoral society which has vexed Israel will be destroyed.  The yoke and bonds of which the prophet records from the voice of God are not necessarily those of slavery.  Rather, they are more inclined to be those bonds and yoke that adds sin and vexes the heart.

If we know and seek to walk with the LORD, our biggest struggle is over sin.  Paul records this frustration clearly in Romans chapter seven.  We have this new nature that cries Abba, Father.  We have this new heart that deeply desires to please the LORD.  Yet, almost as equally powerful in the old man.  The man of sin who desires to please self.  This battle rages within the mind and soul of the child of God.  We see this life as a life of continuing liberty from sin as the ministry of the Holy Spirit matures.  But we also see this life as a life of bondage to that which pleases the flesh, yet displeases God.  We see this life as a constraint.  Not because God requires of us obedience.  We desire obedience.  We feel constrained because the old man will not allow us to live freely for the LORD.

As Israel can look forward to the promise of complete liberty from all her enemies, including her own stony heart, we can look forward to eternity.  What a day that will be when we are no longer subject to the battles of the Christian walk.  What a blessing it will be when the devil, the world, and the flesh are no longer part of our existence.  What a day that will be when the yoke and bondage of a corrupt body are shed that we might receive the glorification unto Christlikeness and be free to live in complete righteousness! AMEN!

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