Thursday, July 12, 2018

Master of No Destiny

“Son of man, say unto the prince of Tyrus, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Because thine heart is lifted up, and thou hast said, I am a God, I sit in the seat of God, in the midst of the seas; yet thou art a man, and not God, though thou set thine heart as the heart of God:” (Eze 28:2 AV)

No doubt, this passage is also prophetic regarding the AntiChrist.  This person is a self-made man.  He has come to the conclusion that because of his wisdom and financial success, that he is the only one who determines his situation.  He has come to the conclusion there is no force that can change his plans and future accumulation.  It almost reminds me of the rising oligarchs of today’s nations.  We no longer have democratic Republics, Parliamentary governments, or even dictatorships.  We are seeing the rise of the oligarchs.  When Rome started the experiment of the Republic, it was seen as a balance of power.  However, when the Senate became a body of wealthy men and their ‘Caesar’ a successful military conqueror, the government became a place where the rich and powerful ruled.  This is what an oligarchy is.  Ruling by a select few wealthy and powerful people.  Isn’t that what has become of most governments of the world? But of what application does this have for the saints of God?

When a person gets to the point that he believes he is the sole determiner of his life and that not even the LORD can disrupt his situation, he has become a god!  God has given us the ability to choose.  To some extent, we produce the consequences of our situation.  However, God can, and often does, override our consequences and assigns others.  Our choices are free.  But our situation is not.  What ever our situation, it exists because God has permitted and/or designed it as such.

Which brings me to the application for today’s passage.  How much to we pray before we make a decision?  How much do we include the LORD in all our plans?  How much to we ponder that whatever choice we do make, God has the last word?  Often times we leap before we look.  We make decisions in life, perhaps with sound reasoning at the time, but fail to consider that even if it does make sense, God may not be in it.  We are not the master of our destiny. No matter what Star Wars preaches.  God has been and always will be in control.  The minute we think we are in control, we have become gods.

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