Friday, July 13, 2018

God's Patient Mercy

“Yet thus saith the Lord GOD; At the end of forty years will I gather the Egyptians from the people whither they were scattered: And I will bring again the captivity of Egypt, and will cause them to return into the land of Pathros, into the land of their habitation; and they shall be there a base kingdom.” (Eze 29:13-14 AV)

When one considers what the kingdom of Egypt did to the Jewish nation, one has to wonder why the LORD would show any grace at all!  Recalling scenes from that famous movie, The Ten Commandments, we are struck with how cruel Egypt was to their captives.  Especially Israel!  Over 400 years of cruel bondage to the point of enslavement and dehumanizing labor, Egypt brought Israel lower than a common creature.  When Israel was perceived as a threat, Pharaoh ordered the murder of all male newborns as an offering to the god of the Nile.  Why would the LORD show any kind of mercy to this kingdom in bringing them back after only forty years of captivity to Babylon?  Perhaps the LORD is giving us a picture of His grace towards His enemies, offering an opportunity for repentance and faith.  One cannot help but see a type in this offering.  God, showing mercy to a world that crucified His Son that they might come to know Him.

This reminds me of all that I had done towards the God who created me prior to salvation.  All that I had done, not only to fulfill the lusts of the flesh, but also to persecute God’s people.  Mockery of the people of God was a sport.  Using their inconsistencies to justify my own rebellion.  Laughing with the likes of Saturday Night Live as they made professing saints look the part of clowns.  My record collection was full of comedians who made sport of those who professed Christ.  My, how things have not changed!  Using the LORD’s name in vain as much as a common contraction showed deep disdain for a God of mercy and truth.  Yet, He showed mercy!

Egypt is a type of the world.  Out of ignorance, fear, and disrespect, they treat the LORD and His people with disdain.  Yet, the LORD still loves them and sent His Son to die for them, too.  Their captivity to sin can turn as well.  All that is needed is repentance of sin and faith towards Jesus Christ.  Egypt is a picture of hope.  Hope for those who are trapped in the evils of life whom God has not yet abandoned.  Hope that God will reach their hearts and they will turn.  Hope that mercy is still available and all that is needed is to repent, believe, and call upon the LORD.

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