Sunday, July 15, 2018

Sometimes More God Than Not

“Neither shall they defile themselves any more with their idols, nor with their detestable things, nor with any of their transgressions: but I will save them out of all their dwellingplaces, wherein they have sinned, and will cleanse them: so shall they be my people, and I will be their God.” (Eze 37:23 AV)

This is the whole point of salvation, isn’t it?  To be purged from our sin that we might walk with God is the whole point.  To be cleansed from tip to toe; to be made clean by the blood of Christ; and to continue in that life is the whole point, isn’t it?  To be changed moment by moment into the image of Christ is the whole purpose for His sacrifice.  It is not a mere change of address.  It is a change of nature.  Salvation is not a simple escape from the consequences of sin, but a reclamation from the nature of sin itself.  Israel saw the law as a burden.  God means it as a source of liberty.  As the New Testament saints, we can understand Israel’s failure, but we follow down the same path as well.

We are not saying that the relationship of God being our God is conditional.  The statement above is one of relationship, not standing.  Israel never has, nor ever will, loose the unconditional promises made to their ancestors.  These are certain.  These are absolute.  What they did lose and what we can lose is the practical workings of that relationship with God.  He may be our God for salvation.  But, is He our God for every choice and direction of life?  That was where Israel failed.  That is were we can fail as well.

There was never a doubt that my Dad was my Dad.  He always was and always will be.  However, there were times he felt like my Dad more than other times.  There were times when we fished together, walked in the woods together, and took a road trip or two together.  One such trip was when he had an interview for a new career.  He needed a sidekick for the weekend.  I had the privilege of that experience.  There were other times when we were not so close.  When I was a teenager and young adult, feeling that I had outgrown him.  Or, when I didn’t live up to his reasonable expectations.  When disobedience or disappointment was what I gave him.  The LORD is our God.  He always will be.  But there are times when He is more our God than at other times.  It is for this He changes us that He might always be our God.

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